My Magic Blue Mystic

subscribed good sir
blue mystic is the shit:leaf:

very glad to have you on board welcome and ill be looking for your input, have you grown bm before? if so how you do its been a god send for me my first grow had issues lol with ww and nyd under water, burns, over water these babie treat you well and there not as nute sensitive as some said.. anyway i hope for the best...
very glad to have you on board welcome and ill be looking for your input, have you grown bm before? if so how you do its been a god send for me my first grow had issues lol with ww and nyd under water, burns, over water these babie treat you well and there not as nute sensitive as some said.. anyway i hope for the best...[/QU

sorry but no i havent grown it, but as far as i know i hear it responds well to topping and lst, anyway, ive just smoked it before and its one of my favorites, i suggest it to any1 with a sophisticated pallete:weed:
Really nice job so far!

When did you start feeding nutes?

i just began to feed them a lil over a week ago very lightly because im using mg organic soil that does have some nutes in it but not the time release
type to date ive only got up to 1/2 strenth feeding a lil nervous right now since everything is going so well..they are in secon day of flower now and ill be upping it to 3/4 next feeding to see how that goes..peace pot prosperity and happy grows with better about a +rep they are hard to come by on
all i can say is please help i dont know what went wrong or when but this is what i woke up to this morning..very healthy new growth but yellow new growth..see pics now i found this on the web and im hoping its it and can be corrected very pics 1-4 web pics 5..

This picture is caused by temprature changing from cold to warm, cold nights and warm days.

Some varieties, like equatorial sativas, don't take well to cold weather. If you can keep the roots warmer, the plant will be able to take cooler temps than it otherwise could.

This picture is what light bleaching/ light burn looks like.
Only way to fix this is to Move the lights away from the plant!
Or make sure you dont go over 75 watts a sq foot, or your plant will have to much light and light bleaching can occur anywhere on the plant. (indica species seem to bleach easier than sativas imo
120 people viewing this section of riu and no help where are you all at?

I dunno dude i read elsewhere that nutes are either mobile or immobile. Mobile being nitrogen P,K whereas immobile being Mg and Calcium. Apparently if the problem has to do with mobile nutes older leaves yellow first, and immobile, the new leaves yellow first. So it may be something along those lines, i couldn't tell you a solution :-(. i'm sorry just check out lots of forums sick plant hosipitals for info i guess. umm on a different note i finally gots my journal going .

Best of luck!
I dont know what the issue is, but im growing some blue mystics right now they are not ready for flowering but soon. Looks like maybe too many nutes, what are you feeding them (brand) and how much? (PPM read would be good)
I dont know what the issue is, but im growing some blue mystics right now they are not ready for flowering but soon. Looks like maybe too many nutes, what are you feeding them (brand) and how much? (PPM read would be good)

hey dg thanks for the feed back and yes i figured the issue out with a lil research and time well spent..the issue was the transfer tempature in my different rooms lights on lights off with my lights on the temps are always right at 83/84 when i put them into flowering i first did a 36 hour dark period and the temps at night with the lights out was 66 deg a way to large of a drop in temps for the babies and it caused the problem you see. but now that ive settled that issue and they are back in 12/12 they are doing just fine and really looking good ill post more pics after the first week of 12/12 ends until then keep in touch .peace pot prosperity..
Im glad you figured out what the issue was. Ill have to post some pics of my grow, I have 2 Snow Whites and 2 Blue Mystics.
cant wait to see those babies of yours let me know when you post pics ill surely follow your progress..peace pot prosperity.ill have new pics up tuesday for sure just started 12/12 and outside of gettling bigger not much to see you know..
so today is the seventh day of flowering for me im not a very patient person so despite the growth over all im looking for some flowers lol but they are groing rapidly the tallest bm went from 10 1/2" to over 16" just the first week 6 days.the runt who was only 8" maybe at begin of flower is now over a foot tall and doing i cant complain.the other pics are of my nnorthern lights i transplanted from dwc to soil at about 3" tall has went crazy in the it and the other is my skunkx haze a lil slow but getting there...see you all next week..peace pot prosperity.


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man there lookin really good cant wait to see em finish out and i noticed the cardboard box in the beggining if you havent went to something stable yet i was gonna suggest some pvc and black and white plastic ( panda film) the sell stick on zippers at homedepot and a lil adhesive would make you nice lil setup bro
man there lookin really good cant wait to see em finish out and i noticed the cardboard box in the beggining if you havent went to something stable yet i was gonna suggest some pvc and black and white plastic ( panda film) the sell stick on zippers at homedepot and a lil adhesive would make you nice lil setup bro
hey whats up glad to have you visit me at my bm grow yeah ill not be using that box at all for anything im currently in my closet until i finish my new box this weekend 2x3x4 im thinking about going with the white paint i get tired off dealing with the mylar when you need to modify your box so ill have some pics of the new box up in my journal as well as your light fixure.peace pot prosperity
rite on i love havin whole closets to gro wish i still could now im in a tiny damn thing for the time bein and yeah mylar is hard to keep clean but it is the best reflectant tho and idk if you can go wider but the airducting i bought they sell bigger if your gonna add another the bigger size would make the heat they produce easier to trap and itd make the light waves mor parabolic and focused like a true wing
rite on i love havin whole closets to gro wish i still could now im in a tiny damn thing for the time bein and yeah mylar is hard to keep clean but it is the best reflectant tho and idk if you can go wider but the airducting i bought they sell bigger if your gonna add another the bigger size would make the heat they produce easier to trap and itd make the light waves mor parabolic and focused like a true wing
thanks again my man i def appreciate your help as always and ill check out the light thing very well before diving in full bore.hey fell free to roll over and start typing if you have any visions in your sleep:sleep: lol no im not kidding lmao you are always welcome..ppp