my Maters indoor start 2013


Active Member
this is how my tomatoes have been doing they are roughly a month and a half old now ,,

here is the pics i have on my computer so far,,

(none recently ha but will try to post them soon as i get my camera back)
garden 005.jpg
garden 006.jpg
jeep winter 006.jpg
jeep winter 007.jpg
my old room set up without plants in it:
jeep winter 008.jpg
more tomato
jeep winter 005.jpg
jeep winter 001.jpg
jeep winter 002.jpg
jeep winter 003.jpg
jeep winter 004.jpg

collards started fast but are now the farthest behind, they started about 2 weeks after tomatos and lettuce did though, and the lettuce and collards are least priority when it comes to light so they dont get a whole lot ha

Toolage 87

Well-Known Member
Looking good so far. Word of a little advice, one don't post photos that are blurry because one of us find i annoying but also the nicer photos make up for less of them. Two if your photo is side ways take the time to make it up right.

Are you going to be an indoor garden or a outdoor garden?

I can't wait to see more updates.


Active Member
Looking good so far. Word of a little advice, one don't post photos that are blurry because one of us find i annoying but also the nicer photos make up for less of them. Two if your photo is side ways take the time to make it up right.

Are you going to be an indoor garden or a outdoor garden?

I can't wait to see more updates.

k i can understand that but

those are the best photos my camera can take,

i do not know how to flip them

and if you would like to buy me a new camera i am more then willing to accept the generous offer

but i dont have a job and am currently working on graduating from highschool so i dont have time to get one either ..(i dropped out and im going back(getting actual diploma btw not any equivelents so it is much more work making up for 3 years of highschool))

- not to be rude either but just explaining my situation

- i am an outdoor grower and just started my tomatoes 2 months early indoors (were im at, today we are having a blizzard w/whiteout conditions) for a school project

oh yeah and the screen on my computer is completely fucked so i posted so many pictures because they are all the ones i had and i couldnt distiguish what was what really until i looked at them from a different computer.

but yeah thats basically were im at

only reason i even have a camera is because i accepted it as debt payment from someone who had nothing else like 4 years ago


Active Member
here are some more of the pics from the past to present if i can get them in order right.


they are definately not in order but i uploaded them in order (after i wrote the text above) and they came out however they wanted to and i cant seem to move them so there is a pile of pictures but will post them as i take them from now on so they dont overwelm. but thats all in the past now to the future


Active Member
Looking good. What variety of tomatoes are you growing?
they are called (big boy hybrid) they are from burbee seeds

my lettuce is (giant ceasar)

and im growing collards also (to feed my iguana possibly ) but they arent doing so well anymore ha


Well-Known Member
they are called (big boy hybrid) they are from burbee seeds

my lettuce is (giant ceasar)

and im growing collards also (to feed my iguana possibly ) but they arent doing so well anymore ha
Cool. Keep the updates coming. Hopefully your collard turns around...never grown that myself.


Active Member
updates from 4/19 couldnt find the time to upload for obvious reasons until now ha

loook at this i have never seen this before ..... stems just shooting roots out above ground like crazy trippin me out ha


oh yeah and eveerythings looking a little droopy because they just got watered after drying out and still working on picking themselves back up

been letting them dry out
because they had absolutely green perlite
because i watered marine algae extract
and it made algae grow like crazy
but it is much more under control now

i do know they need to be transplanted and under better/more light

just havent gotten to the transplanting and the room the plants are in is shared with an iguana and turtle and 2 humans and stays about 100 degrees in middle of winter (yeah were still getting snow storms like a motherfucker were im at its retarded but whatever ha ) even with the window open the temp barely goes down so i cant stand to have any more lights in this room


Active Member
well most of the tomatos died because i put them in a homemade greenhouse apparently too early, there is one in the green house that is green and looking well alive but 7 are looking pretty much dead now, i have 4 left in my tent that are still in plastic cups and are rootbound and pretty much just waiting until the weather warms up a bit here (snowed today ha wtf ) then i will put them outside slowly to harden them off 3 that are @ my grandmothers house are nearing 5 feet tall now they are in 2 3 and 5 gallon buckets with a nice big window for sun

hopefully the tomatoes in the greenhouse come back from the dead