My mom was being pyscho today!!!

let's all not forget...once your 18 your an adult...if she hits you and leaves marks that are noticeable you could charge her with battery ;) or is it assualt? i'm not to sure but one of the two atleast.


Well-Known Member
you actually think i'd call the cops on my mom?? yeah it hurts to get hit, but soo many people have it worse, and it doesnt happen that often. like what, 1-3 a month? not even bad. ill even admit she puts up with alot on my part, just yesterday was out of hand
you actually think i'd call the cops on my mom?? yeah it hurts to get hit, but soo many people have it worse, and it doesnt happen that often. like what, 1-3 a month? not even bad. ill even admit she puts up with alot on my part, just yesterday was out of hand
i was giving a suggestion of something you could do. not telling you to do it...but if my parents ever tried to harm me i would probably just severe all ties with them until they get their shit together


Well-Known Member
lol my dad and i are like best friends, and he's beat my ass many a time. with a belt, with his hand, back handed me across the face. i was a terrible little kid, yet my dad is still one of my favorite people in this world. we smoke together, we can just sit and talk for hours about anything... :)


Well-Known Member
lol my dad and i are like best friends, and he's beat my ass many a time. with a belt, with his hand, back handed me across the face. i was a terrible little kid, yet my dad is still one of my favorite people in this world. we smoke together, we can just sit and talk for hours about anything... :)
sweety that's horrible, and if your really in a situation that's that bad and you don't have anywhere to go you are welcome to stay on our couch. no one should be verbally abused for their weight, you shouldn't have been punched by your mother, and no man should beat his daughter. it sounds like your coming from a very abusive cycle that should have been broken by social services a long time ago. you find your way to Albuquerque, and you have a place to stay here. everyone has the right to feel safe, and parent or not, its never okay to abuse another human being.


Well-Known Member
hey i appreciate the offer but that all happened with my dad when I was a little girl. And seriously, I would fuck up for months and just be a little brat then he would snap, but was always fair with his punishments. As for my mom she's a bit more of a spur of the moment emotional hitter, but even then its not common.


Well-Known Member
that cycle of abuse is just going to leave you in bad relationships, you'll overlook the decent guys and go for the shitty ones because its what your used too.. trust me, it so hard to break that cycle, and its really easy to look back and say i shoulda... rather than take the steps forward that lead us to success and happiness.


Well-Known Member
so my mom admitted to being wrong, but she did say i should learn when to quit, even if im right, because arguing the point always makes her snap


Well-Known Member
everyone has their moments, we dont need to pick at eachother, but seriously hun, you either need to do something, or deal with it. otherwise its a cycle that will repeat until a man leaves you in a ditch.