my most confusing grow. oh and first grow. help please


All three plants are of unknown strain. I got the seeds from a seedbank, not sure which ones are the strain I bought (ice 420) and which one is from the variety pack they threw in. They were vegged mostly by four 4 ft fluorescents, a few weeks before flowering at 9 inches tall I got a HPS/MH 400 watt system and started flowering at 13 inches. I have been flowering now for 9 weeks and change. I flushed them two weeks ago, assuming I was close. The trichs on the two normal looking plants are mostly still clear with groups of cloudy. in the cloudy groups are few ambers. The pistils are 85% white with small groups of amber in the middle of each bud.
My question is..... should I re-introduce my super bloom nutes or continue with straight water until finished? Also, why are my trichs turning cloudy/amber yet hardly any pistils have turned even a shade darker? Will I be harvesting in a few weeks with mostlly white pistils? Should I cut down that tall ugly low yielding sativa and chalk it up to experience? The sativa's pistils are 100% amber and the plant hasn't changed visually in weeks other than thicker stalk. I would be happy to supply any more details I've left out, as this post is also taking my posting hymen.



Well-Known Member
Really nice for a first timer, looks as if you started with the right stuff...usually first timers use cfl's, even some vets use them! Anyways, pistil colors are a very inadequate way of determining the maturity of buds, on some strains the pistils will even remain almost 100% white, when the trichomes are mostly amber...



Active Member
Damn man! You've got plants all over the house! Haha. Beautiful plants! Nice, big and healthy. I hope I get some fat-ass colas like that.


New Member
there looking good to me use nutes 4 another weak and u should just let the sativa grow who knowz it might be some bomb smoke