My nasolabial fold fucking hurts and the GOVT is depriving me of relief!


Well-Known Member
I just want to see the pictures I might get. The nasolabial fold is the crease that runs from your nose to corners of mouth. Mine has 7 fresh stitches in it and the local wore off a while go. Ouch.

But I inquired about why they don't offer pain meds and they were pretty forthcoming bout it being due to wanting to keep their licenses and not have investigators up their ass every week. He said State and Federal investigators rip into high prescribers of pain killers and this place was a bit of a surgery assembly line which meant that they used to prescribe hundreds of Tylenol #3 per day. Now we are being punished for not taking or disposing of all of our meds.

The media is on a full fledged coordinated effort to cut down on prescription pill abuse lately. The PSAs always point out the high percentage of abusers who get the drugs from their home medicine cabinets. Not for long they don't, not usually.

I'm not in any sort of agony but a dozen Norco (taken properly) would make me far more comfortable in the next few days. I think this is a result of excess law enforcement who can no longer persecute weed users.



Well-Known Member
Not the best solution, but CVS (I'd imagine others as well) sells a bacitracin-lidocaine ointment for wounds, its OTC
Oh shit, the post op instructions said to use bacitracin rather than polywhatever. But it had to do with allergies rather than effectiveness. I have some Brave Soldier stuff with max lido but I can't take the compression bandage off yet. It also deeper than that. No topical will suffice. I need systemics! Some Flintstones Chewable Morphine n shit.

This is not about the pain. This is about the government's bullshit policies that are keeping me uncomfortable and depriving me from justifiably allowing me to experience my favorite drug class.



Well-Known Member
I still got some hydrocodone found it in my coat lol id send ya some but by the time it whould get there im sure your face will get better