My neighbor is growing weed

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Well-Known Member
If any one come in my fu king yard there gonna get about 2 warning shots

If I come home and my shits gone I'll be checking my Camara to see who done it then loading up....

Just sayin.

Plus advertising that your a (ripper lol) on a grow site is just dumb imo.

But then again stealing a branch and ask in if it's ready doesn't seem to smart when you could just ask in the noobie section if "your" plants where ready.

If he's DICK now wait till you rob him.
Leagal state or not trespassing is trespassing

Not telling you what to do but robbing a neighbor is just funny he could prolly smell all the weed at your place lol
Then burn your house down to get evensies


Well-Known Member
Dude I do what I FUCK in want in my yard if you got the nerve to go there then be prepared to eat a bullet :)
I'm no angel but I have learned what goes around comes around

Now a good punishment would be to infest his plants with spider mites or sabotage them so he can see it. (But DONT TAKE IT.)

And wonder why he had this bad karma (I'm trying to be nice btw)

If you steal your just doing it for the weed then you are a theif and a punk imo


Active Member
Come on guys let's not be too harsh. He's just a noob, let's teach him how to grow his own. Its so much more safer than stealing and more rewarding too. :-) u can give a man a fish and feed him 4 a day, teach a man to fish and u feed him 4 a lifetime. :-)
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