My Never Ending Quest for the Best !


Well-Known Member
I cant find anyone who has grown it or anyone who knows anything about it other than the world of seeds blurb. Considering its ancestory it should be Stonking !

I really hope so..



Well-Known Member
Lineage :

Strain Lineage / Genealogy / Family Tree
High Tension »»» Colombian Mango Biche x {Orange Bud x Black Domina x Jack Herer}
Orange Bud x Black Domina x Jack Herer
Orange Bud Selection
Unknown Skunk
Skunk #1
»»» Afghanistan x Mexico x Colombia
Afghanistan »»» Indica
Mexico »»» Sativa
Colombia »»» Sativa
Black Domina
»»» {Afghanistan x Ortega Canadian} x {Northern Lights x Hash Plant}
Afghanistan x Ortega Canadian
Afghanistan »»» Indica
Ortega Canadian
USA, Kalifornien »»» Indica
Northern Lights x Hash Plant
Northern Lights
Northern Lights #1 IBL
Afghanistan »»» Indica
Hash Plant
Hash Plant
»»» Hash Plant x {Hash Plant x NL #1}
Hash Plant x NL #1
Hash Plant
USA, Kalifornien »»» Indica
NL #1 (specified above)
Hash Plant (specified above)
Jack Herer
»»» Haze x {Northern Lights #5 x Shiva Skunk}
Northern Lights #5 x Shiva Skunk
Northern Lights #5
USA, Kalifornien »»» Mostly Indica
Shiva Skunk
Northern Lights 5 x Skunk #1 F-1 Hybrid F1
»»» Northern Lights #5 x Skunk #1 F1
Northern Lights #5 (specified above)
Skunk #1
Skunk #1 (specified above)
O Haze
»»» Mexico x Colombia x Thailand x India
Mexico »»» Sativa
Colombia »»» Sativa
Thailand »»» Sativa
India »»» Sativa
Colombian Mango Biche
Brazil »»» Indica/Sativa Hybrid


Well-Known Member
Hi guys,

I would like any advice or experience growing the following !

I picked these babies up hoping to find myself some nice pheno's within and now mission find my mom's begins. :clap:

I have the following strains :-P (every bean so far has cracked):

Barneys Farm :leaf: Pineapple Chunk x 5 cracked and in 1 litre air pots
Barneys Farm :leaf: Violator Kush x 5 cracked and in 1 litre air pots
Ministry of Cannabis :leaf: Northern Lights x 5 Cracked in 1 litre air pots
Nirvana :leaf: AK-48 x 5 Cracked in 1 litre air pots
Dutch Passion :leaf: Strawberry Cough x 5 yet to be cracked
World of Seeds Diamond Line :leaf: High Tension x 7 yet to be cracked
Barneys Farm :leaf: Laughing Buddha x 5 yet to be cracked

I am hoping within these seeds to find between 2 and 7 mothers to see me through a large chunk of my future grows.

I also have an excellent Mr Nice Critical mass mother who has just produced 17 cuttings ( in an X-stream prop) and I already have 6 of these in flower at the moment.

I am currently smoking a load of bagseed :wall: I cropped recently its pretty damn tasty and sugar coated and I am very happy with it indeed !

I am growing in soil (mixture of biobizz all mix, Gold label special mix with additional perlite but I am also going to start using around 40 percent house and garden light mix for repotting plants going into flower (more control on the nutes front)).

I have a wide selection of nutrients I have built up but the most recent ones and the ones I am currently running are the full House and Garden soil AB range this consists of :o :

House and Garden Soil A/B
House and Garden Multienzyme
House and Garden Bud XL
House and Garden Top Booster
House and Garden Roots Excellurator
House and Garden Shooting Powder
House and Garden Drip Clean
House and Garden Magic Green
House and Garden Bacto Force (on order)

The other nutrients I have to fall back on are :
Biobizz Bio Grow
Biobizz Bio Bloom
Biobizz Bioheaven
Canna Rhizotonic
Vitalink Plant Start
Advanced Nutrients Overdrive
Advanced Nutrients Sensizym
Epsom Salts

Other bits and bats :

Essentials wetting agent
Gnat off
Plant Vitality +
Halo Alpha Beta Harpin Protein
Garden Lime
Root Riots
Rockwool Cubes
Bluelab EC Truncheon
Essentials PH meter and Buffer 7
Canna Actrivator (trichaderma) - I am yet to try this
Plant Magic Granules (Micorrhizal fungi or however you spell it) - I am yet to try this

I have two seperate areas a very small box/cab for vegging with a 250 watt blue CFL and a budbox xxl with two air cooled supernova 600's all on a temperature controller.

The tent currently has 6 critical mass in 10 litre buckets (way to small at the moment) I am looking to switch these to 15 or 20 litre air pots and input on what size to use would be appreciated.

The vegging box currently contains the 20 seedlings, 17 Critical mass cuttings in the x-stream prop and my very sorry looking critical mass mother.

Pics incoming (I need a camera).

I hope you enjoy the start of my mission and I hope you will stick around for the ride.

damn how much did your nutes cost?!?!?! i just picked up jacks classic duo and it cost 26 bucks....


Well-Known Member
Amazing you use all that stuff for a soil grow.
Seems like overkill to me big time. I can't beleive you use all that stuff
for a grow.
I got monsters grown with a whole lot less
of what you use. FF soil and nuets for veg,
Dyna grow and shooting powder for flowering is all I use.
Good luck on your grow though!


Well-Known Member
Note the name of the thread ;)

The way I see it is by having a larger pool of resources to pull on I can experiment more and work out what will be the best and I can tailor to each individual strains needs as a strain (and pheno more to the point).

Yes I have a lot of spare time on my hands ;)

I started with two bottles of bio bizz - bio grow and bio bloom they cost me £20 and thats it. Let's just say they became the start of a collection. Most of the nutrients on there I have used for at least a run and I have experience of how each one affects the plant differently.

The idea of this is to find out what really is the best and how the hell I get there will hopefully end up in this thread.


PS - Just so you know the Critical Mass have had nothing other than the full house and garden line :) Just to see how it performs. I have another 17 cuttings from the same mother to run different nutes on in future runs and the mother is still standing


Well-Known Member
dont worry about it mouse your cash your grow..simple as that mate..
Don't worry, I'm not.

I just want to dispell the belief that I just went out and bought half a hydro shop for the hell of it ;) Each bottle has been bought for a specific purpose at some point or other, except the full house and garden which I bought after trying their roots excel.

Peace out



Well-Known Member
So I think two of seedlings might be freaks. One of the pineapple chunks looks very sickly dark green and has very slow growth, I am hoping it turns out to be one of those plants that is picky as a baby and incredible in flower. Fingers crossed ey.

I also have a one leaf'd Nirvana AK-48 that doesnt look like it is going to do anything anytime soon.

The growth at the moment on the critical mass is incredible if you look closely you can see the difference between yesterday and today and to me thats just awesome !

Heres a few pics anyway....

The critical mass

My mother already regenerating

The sickly pineapple chunk

More critical

The Cuttings

More Critical

More Critical

The one leafed seedling

More critical

Seedling again

Seedling again

Rapidly regenerating mother

Hope you like em !



Well-Known Member
Looking great - I have been playing with Nirvana AK-48 for a year now and am just now understanding it. I grow in canna coco and use canna nutes. This plant has always nute burned and now I have it on 10% of suggested nute strength with a watering of ph'd water only between feedings and it is doing as it should. I guess I just want to let you know that it is extremely nute sensitive. Great body buzz, a little in the head and with absolutely no taste or smell when smoked it is a great smoke in all enviroments.


Well-Known Member
No taste or smell..... I will have to see what pheno's I get unless there is something nice I will have to knock both them and the northern lights off my keeper mom list.

Keep the input coming guys it's awesome !



Well-Known Member
Honestly I think my moms will come from the laughing buddha, the pineapple chunk, the strawberry cough and the High Tension which I have massive hopes vested in.

We will see and only time will tell me which ones I should keep :)


Well-Known Member
Mixed up 12 litres of PH 6.3 water with added drip clean at 0.1ml a litre spread between the critical mass and the seedlings and the mother. This did not quite water to run through so I will give them a few hours to soak it up then top up later on.



Well-Known Member
I got high and didnt rewater to run through, I will do it next time. Lazyness wins again lol. They look happy enough.



Well-Known Member
I love my setup but its not cheap by any means.......

Budbox xxl - £250
2 x air cooled supernova 600 (sunmaster bulb with maxibright digiballast) - £400
2 x RVK 150 L1 ( I run passive intakes and keep my tent at a fairly heafty negative pressure, one fan for outake and one for cooling the lights) - about £200
2 x 3 meter sonoduct - £80
2 x 1 meter ducting - £20
Carbon filter to match RVK 150 L1 - £80 ( I went oversized on the filter I consider security very important)
SMSCOM twin fan speed controller (temperature controlled) - £120
Relay/contactor 4 way 3000 watts - £40
EZ-Roll hangers - £20
Bluelab EC truncheon - £70
Essentials PH meter - £45
Measuring bits and bats scalpels and pipettes and so on - £20
20 x 10 liter buckets - £2 (my local green grocer - if only he knew lol)
20 x pot trays - £20 (WTF is with that the trays are more than the buckets)
2 x Garland work trays 1.2 sq meters - £60

Then comes my mostly unnecessary nutrient collection :P and Gold label special mix 50/50 with biobizz allmix with then 20 percent perlite added.

Stuff for the vegging cab :

250 watt blue CFL - £50
X-stream propagator (36 site) - £80 quid
Root riots (bag of 100) - £17.99
rockwool cubes (tray of 72) - £7
40 x 1 liter air pots £80

I know its not the cheapest but I wanted to build the best I could afford and this is what I ended up with

Total price £1641.99 not including the probably close to £400 (probably more) I have spent on nutrients. But thats just because I am looking for the best I can find and without a decent suite to work in I wouldnt be able to do anything the way I wanted.


PS I think thats most of it.....
Copy pasta from another thread some people might find it useful.



Well-Known Member
nice set up, It's going to take a while before I can have all that.Look's like I am starting with bag seed aand hope to move up afetr each pull.Thank's again ....Oh My


Well-Known Member
Mixed up 40 litres of ph 6.3 water with drip clean today. EC was showing under at around .2 (drip clean seems to drop it at little certainly not complaining).

Watered all seedlings the mother and the critical mass.

The critical mass were given 5 litres each to flush through any left over nutrients before I start smashing them with flower food for the beginning of week 5.

Runoff PH was showing between 6.6 and 6.8 Wayyyyyy to high but I have been slowly leaching the nutrients out of the pot to clear em up for the flowering feeds. EC was showing at .8-1.2 by the time I had finished watering.

Temp is stable at 27c and humidity is 45 percent.

Mouse out !