my new 7 foot tall friend..


I have a friend, who has a friend, who has a friend...

Regardless - My chain of connections allowed me to acquire a 7 foot tall plant.

But... It's a hermaphodite.

It was grown outside its entire life, but where I'm located I do not have the land to hide such a plant as the original owner does.

So I'm going to be moving it into my basement, throwing up some HPS lights and starting it on a 12/12 cycle.

My questions to you guys...

Should I chop off a few limbs and clone them?

Or should I just wait until it's done flowering, take my buds and then switch it back to a 16/8 cycle and plant some of the seeds?

This first batch of buds is probably going to be hermie dirt...

Anything I can do to make this plants future plants full female?

Also - for as big as the plant is - there is only about 5-6 sacks on the whole plant so it is mostly female..

sorry for all the questions..



(pics to come soon):-P


Active Member
why would u wanna clone a hermie.
u clone a hermie u get a hermie.
just carry on with it till its ready or use your hps
for better use like odering some seeds then grow
or get a proper clone or grow
a bagseed an grow
i wouldnt waste time growing a hermie but your decision


Here's a little update for you guys...

I switched it to a 12/12 cycle on Tuesday night...

Some of the larger sun leaves are falling off. From what I've read this is completely normal.. I guess it's the plants way of allowing light to smaller buds..

Believe it or not, some of the buds look to have grown a little bit and some of the hairs have a slight red hue to them.

I'm going to Home Depot or Lowes when I get out of work to get a pair of trimming snips and I'm gonna cut off all the males sac's to keep the seeding to a minimum.

If I can remember to bring my camera home I'll post some pics for you all..




Well-Known Member
It is normal for fan leaves to fall off later into flower not two days into flower. You need to look into it some more because that is not normal. Look up nutrient deficiencies


They didn't fall off completely..

The are a turning a light yellow and begging to sag..

But this is only happening to the few big fan leaves that are on there. Everything else (when I left this morning) was
still green and looking okay.

I'm going to look into it though..




Well-Known Member
ur fan leaves will turn yellow, and then die off, its the plant perfectly monitoring its nitrogen use, burns the leaves, uses the small amount of nitrogen into bud production..