my new best friend


Active Member
So I was out at a can food warehouse when I saw they had garden area so I was looking when I found moisture tester for soil I was pump no more over watering stress if your new you should get one one theses. Also Chevy dollar tree goodwill thrift stores you will be amazed at what you find


Well-Known Member
They are good for beginners I agree.

after awhile you will be able to pick up a pot and tell from weight if it needs water or not


Well-Known Member
IMO, If you can't tell when you need to water, you aren't paying enough attention to your plants.

Everyone goes through some trial and error in the beginning but watering is an essential skill in becoming a competent grower.


Active Member
Just saying its a great tool to have. Besides that everyone told me stick your finger on the soil and if you pull out dried then you need to water so that what I did. I use the tester and stick it down the length of my finger and it says dry then I stick it down deeper and it says real moist so the whole time I was giving water when it did not need to idk but iam glad I have this now and am glad you can tell.

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
Also it good to stick your penis in the dirt a couple inches to see if its dry or not. Don't use this method with woody soils.