My new cabinet and 2nd grow!


Active Member
This is my cabinet that I bought from Home Depot. It came with shelves and such but I will not be using them. I fastened it to the wall for extra stability since I will be hanging a 600w hps in it.


The next few pictures: On the left is a Bubbalicious in organic soil. On the right are 3 Babbalicious in hydro DWC. I just started adding Cal-Mag to treat the yellowing in the hydro. All are clones from a previous grow. This is my first time cloning so....

Lights are currently: 3 26w 6500k cfls, and one 26w 2700k. I will be adding more in a week or so.


I have a 4" hole drilled on the right side of the cabinet that vents into my furnace room. I'll be installing my carbon scrubber and fan in that room.


I'll post more pics as I progress. I won't have my hps for a few more weeks.



Active Member
Ooops! forgot to give props to theclosetfarmer. That dude is good and the idea to hang a 600w hps in this cabinet came from him.


Hey props to the setup looks like its coming along nicely! Question: What are the dimensions of the cabinet??? AND how much was it??? I am looking into trying the same thing...


Well-Known Member
what size cfm fan are u gonna use for exhaust and what size blowing in? im just thinking about heat....i like the idea


Active Member
Dimensions are 71.5 tall x 41 wide x 20 deep....I think I paid ~$100

I will be using a 120mm 90 cfm fan for intake (an Ultra Kaze computer fan) and a 120cfm sucking air out. I'm ordering an air cooled hood for the 600 so if heat becomes an issue I'll just suck the air off the light in a closed circuit and us a separate fan for my carbon scrubber.


Well-Known Member
nice lady saw the pic and told me i need one lol told her no we need about 10 .....i like it if i had to go small like that,that would def be the way there gonna be a light leak between doors? i have a solution if so....staple a piece of card board on the inside of one door so it over laps the other door ,your have to always close that door first but who cares if it was me id use thin wood about 4 inch wide with window /door weather strips GOOD LUCK!!!


Active Member
You should check out "theclosetfarmer" on youtube. And yes, I currently have light leaks. I bought some weather stripping today so we'll see how it works. Fortunately, this is in my finished basement/office space. Nobody knows, nobody cars!


Well-Known Member
You should check out "theclosetfarmer" on youtube. And yes, I currently have light leaks. I bought some weather stripping today so we'll see how it works. Fortunately, this is in my finished basement/office space. Nobody knows, nobody cars!
thanks for the link i watch youtube for hours while my lady is watching movies next to me so i thought i seen them all lol im gonna check out his other link also and hope u post pics when your all set up hopefully next week


Active Member
Nutrient deficiency. I thought it needed cal-mag, but I was wrong. I'm using RO water and GH nutes, so I'm boosting the N tonight.


Active Member
I recently remembered that these clones are Whitecastle. I thought they were Bubbleicious.



Active Member
Since the previous pics: I've trimmed some leaf parts, only brown dry ones, leaving the light green (healthy) part of the leaf alone. They are also on the second day of Cal-Mag. The yellowing has slowed but I want GREEN, so I gave them some GH micro and bloom (1tsp per gallon of each). The reservoirs are small and easy to dump if the nutes aren't right so I'm not sweating it YET. Happy Growing :)


Well-Known Member
Small containers are incredibly hard to maintain.. Have you checked the Ph of your water? How about your water temps? Sometimes looks can be deceiving. If the water temps are over 72f it may be causing a lot of problems. Hydro is extremely difficult and requires alot of attention. I personally ended up planting all of my small hydro plants in soil. I will remain growing in soil, with my 20gal. DWC hydro mearly as a hoby. It now houses jalapenos... lol Good luck with which ever route you take.