My new grow project cfl indoor 2 weeks in to flowing


Active Member
Alright so today one of my friends gave me his 2 plants and his whole set up cause he is moving to new york in 2 days.
its an old dresser 3' long 3' tall and 18" wide
theres a 2' 20w flo
and 2 20w cfls

what can i do to make this better?

the plants are only about 10 inches tall
i have no clue how long he had them veg for
and there both females witch is a good thing
but i have a feeling i will only get an 1/8 out of each lol

any pointers will help me

hers some pics of the set up sorry i only have the camera on my cell



Well-Known Member
LOL... don't think theres much you can do at this point since they are already flowering (unless you want to put em back in vegetative). Just get what you can out of em and start some new plants that you can get more out of by pruning them and letting them stay in veg for a longer period so they can get bigger.


Active Member
lol well like i said a friend gave them to me so im not to worried about getting only an 1/8th but i put 4 more lights on them


Active Member
umn i think if you water and feed em well with a couple of cfl's within a couple of inches and give it 9 weeks of flowering you could get an OZ or more