My New Grow


Active Member
well im back after an extended period of time i have 9 plants growing right now they are about a month and a half old now and i just switched the lights to 12/12 im using no ferts at all besides worm casings and bat guano that i had mixed into the soil im also using a 250 watt HPS and 4 68 Watt CFL's i got rid of the stealth grow box because it was limiting my space and plant size they are all at least 15 inches high the tallest one is 23 inches high i have one female that i know of so far her preflowers showed up early umm i dont know what else to say besides that they are turning purple all of them!?

any suggestions on what could be turning them purple?:confused:



Well-Known Member
id guess the purple is due to the strain. looks like an indica? which would make sense for it to get darker green/purple toward harvest.

i would say im surprised your seeds sprouted...but i dont know how good they're for. thats awesome tho -- growing from generations past and what not :)

looks good -- glad you cut clones :) many dont..


Active Member
id guess the purple is due to the strain. looks like an indica? which would make sense for it to get darker green/purple toward harvest.

i would say im surprised your seeds sprouted...but i dont know how good they're for. thats awesome tho -- growing from generations past and what not :)

looks good -- glad you cut clones :) many dont..

that was my thought too that it looks predominantly indica, and i honestly didnt think the seeds would germinate being that they were about 20 years old, as for the clones i took those because it COULD be a truly amazing strain i wont know till i flower the origionals.

thanks for stopping by and checking out my grow


Active Member
more pics coming tomorrow if not, sunday for sure.

the girls are doing great i have them flowering seperate from the clones and seedlings by very constructive use of black trash bags

i stripped the 2 larger plants of their lower branches because i want to keep the majority of bud up top and not have small under developed buds below the canopy