My New Idea Of Drying Marijuana


Well-Known Member
they smoke tobacco so that is has a smokey finish. unless you want some pre-smoked weed i wouldnt even make an attempt. just a waste of weed, wood and effort. and you could have just as qiuck of a dry period if you use a heater or vent. late


Well-Known Member
not true. better taste and smell, it doesnt affect the amount of thc.
unfortunately you are ill informed. during the cure, the plant is still breaking down internal thc and turning it into smokeable thc through enzymes, kinda metabolizing it for you. and the cured weed is more potent. late.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
unfortunately you are ill informed. during the cure, the plant is still breaking down internal thc and turning it into smokeable thc through enzymes, kinda metabolizing it for you. and the cured weed is more potent. late.:mrgreen:



Well-Known Member

Mm not quite. It's not like more THC is magically appearing, but poorly cured weed basically just loses a lot more THC (it degrades into worthless byproducts instead of the type of THC you want). Good curing basically: 1) makes sure the least amount of THC becomes worthless (degrades from light, heat, etc.) and 2) makes the most THC become active in the form we want it.


Active Member
dip buds in honey and lemon,use apple tree wood shavings for your smoke.Mmmmm........Know it works good for Tommy Ruffs!!


Active Member
Hmmmm, interesting theory. I think it would defiantly work, does it matter if it has a smoky flavour? I know everyone of my billies has a smoky flavour.
Only thing i would be worried about is having the weed to close to the heat and destroying the trics but if it was high enough it would work. Slower dried weed defiantly makes it taste better by getting the 'green' taste out of it.

I would like to know if anyone tries this method.

I was thinking about smoke drying marijuana using the same methods the first nations used to smoke and preserve salmon. My therory is to place plants near the roof of a shed. Near the bottom of the shed a firepit could be made. In this fire pit cedar would be burned. As the cedar burns it would let of smoke that would flow upward towards the plants. I first heard of this method being used for drying tobacco and thought if it could dry tobacco why couldnt it dry marijuana. Any comments?????
Me schooche plata nic nic bon nisco vehagre osst bon vci nall meie barcoche ! nido fonschule abto mellones dum fag fag baroche !


Well-Known Member
Aren't ideas generally supposed to be less fucking around than existing ones? Current ways:

- Premade, 8 tiered net
- Food Dehydrator

Your way:

- Ceder filled smokehouse