My New Medical Marijuana Life Series on Youtube!


Well-Known Member
Few pointers, look at the camera and not at you [ic on the screen. Get a real bong man, If this is about MMJ then make it look so. Right now you look like a crazy high teenager in a bathroom on the floor. Try some editing and better lighting. Also I recommend you approach the intro with a topic.


Well-Known Member
What the fuck was that..........a kid hitting a bong I dark....sounded like shit couldnt hear a word..........and has no point other than you have a homemade bong................go get you youtube hits like a man dont come here whoring yourself.


Well-Known Member
dont know enough about it to make a comment....but I think I heard something about 18 in state but I could be way wrong.


Well-Known Member
BAWHAHAHAH leaned to hold it in.............ya know I rarely slam matter what they are debateing but this is fucking epic and deserves my special award.



hey guys take it easy hes only a kid and he made his own bong thats got to count for something hes not hurting anyone just wana show the heads hes smoking man we were young once yea kid rip those tubes but i do agree buy a decent bong or get the plastic tubes that cover the floresants in national car parks they are see through as well