My new present !!


Well-Known Member
Well my girlfriend and my two year anniversary is coming up next month and she wanted to get me a new water bong since my old one broke :cry:.. She asked if their was a specific one I wanted or a kind that I liked.. First thing that came out of my mouth was, "ROOR." But I told her those were too expensive for us right now, but I still want a great quality one and not a cheap one.. I was looking at the weed star ones and found the ELEVATOR 2 which I fell in love with.. It has a double perculator, and ice notches to put them cubes in.. It's an awesome looking one and has all the features that I was looking for in my new bong, and for a fourth the price of a ROOR.. Here's the link, tell me what you guys think of it..

Weed Star Glass Bong - Elevator 2 - Online Shop