nice how many weeks into 12/12 are u by the pics im guessing 3-4 weeks?
Yeah i have only grown one plant but somehow I can tell how far along they are in budding like a pro. I guess I just have a eye for it. I'm used to hps setups tho so thats probley why your plant looks a week behind to me.
Well here is my new flower room set up. I know some people dont like LED's but the truth is, you get what you pay for. Plus with supplemental cool and warm fluorescents, this plant is getting fat really fast. This is only a little ways past the 4th week of 12/12. If any of you guys are looking for a simple and cheap way to grow this isnt to bad. I dont have to spend money on air conditioning, noise reduction or even smell reduction since one plant is just fine with me =).
A good air circulating fan is all i require. Vornados are good, but like 50 bucks. The LED light itself is a tad pricey too but $350 isnt to bad for a growlight that lasts for like 10 years hehe. I could easily fit 3 more plants under there too.
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I just bought a 90 watt LED a few months ago. I will be starting a new grow with it as soon as my seedlings take root.
BTW, it's good to see an LED thread without all the LED badmouthing. LEDs work, they are convenient, they
are just a little costly, but well worth it if you get a good one.
And, your plants are looking pretty healthy. I will be hanging around to see how this turns out.
Welcome! Thats awesome, its good to hear from another LED faithful. Yeah its kind of odd that i havent had any naysayers put in their 2 cents. I guess you cant argue with results![]()
Welcome! Thats awesome, its good to hear from another LED faithful. Yeah its kind of odd that i havent had any naysayers put in their 2 cents. I guess you cant argue with results![]()
very pretty mama u got there^^^
I think all the LED negativity is due to people not liking change. It's like when fuel injection replaced carburetors.
Where are the carburetors now?
I have seen this guys grow journal, he yielded 108 grams with one 90 watt LED. His strain yields 450 grams per m2.
What if he used one of those super yielders? Green House Seeds SuperBud (BigBud x Skunk) yields 900 grams per m2.
As does their White Rhino. I think that more than 108 grams is definitely possible with 90 watts of LED, providing the
strains will allow it, and the grower knows his/her stuff. And they use one of the good LEDs. There are plenty of bad
ones out there. You get what you pay for.
Looking good bro. Very nice! I'm still in veg but will be switching in a day or two. Finally was able to setup my co2 system. Here's a couple pics of my LSD under the LED. First day of the co2. Opened the cabinet a little bit ago and they were reaching for the sky. Kinda cool looking. Assuming they areloving the co2.
Looking really nice dude, i still need to set up some Co2 for mine. For now i just give my baby a Co2 shower evey few hours when im home. A 24oz paintball tank with a remote coil work just fine for that.
Yeah for sure dude, change and price point. Even the price isnt to bad if you really get down to it tho. Once you factor in all the money youll save by using LED's, they really pay for themselves. Most people dont bother to research the facts, and just piggyback on other peoples opinions.
Hell yeah, you can get some pretty good havests if you dial everything in properly.
I consider anyone who has made the switch to LED at this point, to be a pioneer.
Once LED's really break out into the market, we'll be ahead of the game for sure.
I actually feel sad for anyone who isnt at least considering the change.
Thanks! Yeah it's my first time with co2. Kinda pieced the setup together till complete. Feels good to finally have it up and going. I can see they like it. Never thought of giving them a lil shower like your doing. Hope it's working for ya! I thought of trying something homemade but was able to Dona little hustle and get the money right away for the controller and regulator. Wonder how good one of those co2 buckets work?
I only grow for myself, so large abundances are not necessary.
My unit cost $150. If I get 1oz from it, it paid for itself the first harvest, because I could've spent that $150 on an oz of some schwag
street weed with a crap-load of seeds, and stems that aren't even attached to anything, and with about 19g of smokable mediocre at
best product, and then the "oz" is gone, and my $150 is gone. At least with the $150 LED, I will still have it when the oz it grew is gone,
and ready to make more. My 90 watt light increases my bill by $3.19 a month during flowering months. Less than $5.00 a month during veg.
We all know it will produce more than an oz though. I am a pretty heavy smoker, so even 2-4oz every 3-4 months wont cut it, I have a
400 watt T5 grow cab, and a 250 watt HPS grow cab. I plan to use all LED, and hydro by the end of this year. When this HPS is done
with its current grow, I am retiring it, and switching it with an LED. I do like my T5s, but their days are numbered too. I'll replace that with
two 90 watt LEDs once they burn out.
We are the pioneers, because whilst all the LED naysayers, with no experience with LEDs whatsoever are speaking ill of them, with no
actual knowledge of what they can do, we are actually putting them to the test, with results. Sure, there are beginners that buy 14
watt China knockoffs, and grow a 2 gram piece of weed, and of course the LED unsupporters will use this as "proof" LEDs don't and
won't work.
Hey bro, how much was your tank/controler/ and regulator setup?
I havent really looked for prices in the area. I'll probley have to check out the local welding supply store.