My newest grow


Well-Known Member
Bigger roots = bigger yield
Yes but overcrowding = less bud sites to be hit thus, smaller shitlet buds, as well as the plants suffocating each other... However, it does depend on the size of your tent ? The size of those buckets aren't required for indoor growing, they will never live long enough to fill the pots, unless of course you plan on vegging for a while.Regardless, Looks nice! Green mojo to ya!
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Well-Known Member
Yes but overcrowding = less bud sites to be hit thus, smaller shitlet buds, as well as the plants suffocating each other... However, it does depend on the size of your tent ? The size of those buckets aren't required for indoor growing, they will never live long enough to fill the pots, unless of course you plan on vegging for a while.Regardless, Looks nice! Green mojo to ya!
No shit dude. Its overkill. You'd have to veg them for 6 months and grow them 6ft tall to fill out the buckets.
There not 200 gal pots there very wide pots only about 14 inches high
My last grow was 8 gal pot and they where total root bound when I finished I'd prefer no root bound and more room for the roots to get more oxygen they have all reached the bottom of the pots there hempys bottom of pots hold 3 gal ea before they overflow
I norm do 4 pots and Iam still doing 4 pots my tents 1.2m by 1.2 metre by 2 m
Last grow was. 400w this grow is. 600w
There is no over crowding and I super crop and lst my plants to get a very even canopy
Imo there is no such thing as over kill when u choose a pot size a smaller pot will not produce more and allowing more vertical and horizontal root growth is much better for plants more air and less chance of root rot faster growth and I reakon higher yields I was showing ppl my plants not asking about my pot size
There big pots by why the fck not Iam only gonna grow 4 or 5 plants