My Nubcake Intro and Thanks for the Tips

Marie Jain

Active Member
It's late summer, and this is my first harvest. I come to you Oh Wise Ones of the forums, and after spending the day perusing the harvest posts I've come to the following conclusion: 'tis not the time, I'm going to wait a few weeks :D

Thanks for the reassurances, many things I needed to know I found here. I got myself to Radio Shack, bought the little magnifier thingy, looked at my tricones, and estimated the size of my flowers.

I'm enclosing a few pics so you can see how my little garden is coming along.

I used 4 clones bought at dispensaries. One I left outside the whole season, and 3 I put under a light for a while, bringing them up to full veg then adjusting my light sched carefully to be able to bring them outside. I have all of them out now, and they've come to a good size and all 4 are in flower, each in a different stage. The one I left outside is farther along of course. I'll try and tag each pic so you can see what is what. I'm growing Erkle and Purple Kush.

Foxfire farm & Humbolt County nuts ftw :blsmoke:



Well-Known Member
beautiful ladies, and you are right, you still have a while to go 'fore harvest. looks like you're on the right track though. Good luck and happy growing.

Marie Jain

Active Member
Thank you :)

According to what I learned yesterday (and correct me please if I got it wrong) the tricones are fat and plump, mostly cloudy with a few clear and glassy on that particular plant you mentioned, but none amber toned yet. On the other plant that is ripening the tricones are clear and glassy looking with some cloudy, none amber. So this means I've got a week or so on the cloudy and at least two weeks on the other if I've got it right.

We'll see /grin

Marie Jain

Active Member
Today I'm wondering if I should cut this plant down. It's turning all yellow and hasn't taken any water to speak of for 3 days. I took a few of the ripe 'fruits' off this morning and nothing at all has come up from the stem. It looked like an empty straw when I cut it and hasn't pushed up any water from the cut. Is the plant still feeding itself or has it shut down?

This plant is losing some of it's green, I'm wondering if I have a nut problem, it's in early flower:

This is her sister plant, and they've always had the same deep green. This one is about a week behind in flowering, just starting to develope. (freeeekin worms better stay the hell out >.< )

This is the one I found worms and mites on. I used the Safer spray on the mites and have been using tweezers on what worms I find, it seems to be.....ok. I did harvest the main cola and some of the more 'done' smaller colas as the trich's were right. I think the poor little thing is in shock or something, it's only drank minimal water for the past two days and really looks a bit pathetic. I'm thinking on taking the whole thing but was hoping some of the smaller buds would develope a bit more. Whaddya think?

And finally: here is my drying area - the tipee. I can't get the damned family out of the house for some reason and they fill every nook and cranny inside, closets/garage/everything. I've got a fan circulating air inside and it stays dry enough. It can get a bit hot in there but the weather has cooperated so far and I only need it for a short time (I hope, some of this bud is damned sticky and moist some of is like small perfect pineapples mmmmmmm).

Advice and comments welcome. :weed:

Marie Jain

Active Member
And yes, it's a full size tipee, we have two - one large one for the family in the back yard and one really large one for the whole damned family up on a mountain.

Marie Jain

Active Member
Alrighty, guess ya'll got busy yesterday or something. I don't mind talking to myself :D

I took some of the riper buds from the first plant and left the rest to see if the plant will do anything with them. Lovely little pineapple shaped buds yummmmmy :)

The very last plant that I showed in yesterday's post I went ahead and chopped. The trichs are at 40% amber and I'm not letting the caterpillars eat mah girl! So Timber and down she came. That bud is soooo moist I'm thinking it will take at least a week of hanging. Super sticky.

The two baby girls are at 4 and 2 weeks into flower respectively. I'll be watching them closely for bugs >.<

Yesterdays yield = 2.3lbs wet. We'll see how it dries now eh?


Well-Known Member
I love your outdoor shots looks great and happy. Much respect with the tipee you are a cool parent!

Marie Jain

Active Member
Ok I still need help with the "do I have a nut problem" on the third plant.

And I'm trimming like mad. I'm sticking to everything and have to stop and clean my trimmers every half hour or so. Aside from gloves any tips here? This is getting rediculous :)

I'm trying to cut apart that super sticky bud both to look for those little invader worms and to spread it out some because its super moist.

Marie Jain

Active Member
Ok one week after the first cut. The first oz I weighed wet has dried and now weights .6 oz, which I'm pretty happy about. The buds dried dense and tight. :)

On another note: the plant that I cut that had the budworms. After I'd hung it for a few days I went to trimming the branches up and found only one more bud worm hanging around which was a huge releife. I found two more on the ground and my botonist friend tells me that as soon as the plant starts to lose it's moisture the bugs flee from it like rats from a sinking ship. Yay! So it's in it's final drying stage now on the rack and seems to be pest free.