My one little girl is sick


Well-Known Member
man it really does look like that soil might be to hot for seedlings, is it old soil? might have left over nutes in it....sorry i dident read to find out. it could also be soil temp.... i really dont think you could get that narly of a def with a plant so small ya know? i could be wrong but hey i tryed man!

whats the ph? im sure you have checked this but im curious.


Well-Known Member
ya i know thats why i said first i think its the lack of watering and the heat in his cab

white boy smurf

New Member
im not sure man. I dont have a way to measure the soil temp so that COULD be the problem. Its not old soil or anything. Im def going all organic after this is over along with alot of other changes. Just really want to see this girl make it to the end. And hopefully get a lil smoke outta her. Yeah, the plant came through the dirt back on the 12th so it is youngish.

white boy smurf

New Member
Do you guys think that taking mabye 1-2 of the lights out would be worth it? It would mabye drop the temp down a few degree's. Only problem is that im really trying to get enough light so she dont stretch (limited space im working with).


Well-Known Member
im not sure man. I dont have a way to measure the soil temp so that COULD be the problem. Its not old soil or anything. Im def going all organic after this is over along with alot of other changes. Just really want to see this girl make it to the end. And hopefully get a lil smoke outta her. Yeah, the plant came through the dirt back on the 12th so it is youngish.

well i tell you what if i were you man, id wait tell she fills that pot with a nice rootball, and then transplant her in some organic potting soil with a ph of 7, then add a little epsom salt and a tiny amount of vinegar, this will block mg def and lower the ph of the soil to 6.8 which is perfect for mary. if she dosent look like shes guna make it the repot her sooner, if shes guna die neway then its worth giveing it a shot, ive had seedling pull thru some shit tho so i bet shes guna be fine bro. you should check my grow man i post pics all the time and noone watches lol:weed:


Well-Known Member
im going with clowdy and saying ure problem is the watering, heat problems arent really that bad, ive got a friend who grows his plants in 90 to 100 degrees fahrenheit and he still pulls about one or two O's of each plant. My temps are mostly in the 80 to 90 degree range coz I live in a very humid and dry and hot country where its hard not to grow in high temps. I mean sure if I had the money I could buy a cooltube and make a vent and all sorts of shit like that but I grow perfect plants in high temps, it just means you have to water more often, which is really good for plants as they keep getting a fresh supply of CO2 therefore having a co2 system is not as beneficial as it might be in other countrys.
Good luck and water them once a day, but dont make the mistake of overwatering because of what weve all told you.

P.S. people will probably scream at me coz they think high temps are the absolute worst thing in life but I know what I can do in these temps and thats all that matters:hump:


Well-Known Member
Do you guys think that taking mabye 1-2 of the lights out would be worth it? It would mabye drop the temp down a few degree's. Only problem is that im really trying to get enough light so she dont stretch (limited space im working with).

opps late post.....

well are they cfls?


Well-Known Member
thats ok
make sure the water is like room temp how many lights are in there?
and where is it at again sorry bad mem
i wouldnt care about the temp of the soil as long as its moist and the air temp aint high
have it like 75 to 80 maybe 85 should be ok
not 90 but let me know how many lights ur useing and where the set up is


Well-Known Member
im going with clowdy and saying ure problem is the watering, heat problems arent really that bad, ive got a friend who grows his plants in 90 to 100 degrees fahrenheit and he still pulls about one or two O's of each plant. My temps are mostly in the 80 to 90 degree range coz I live in a very humid and dry and hot country where its hard not to grow in high temps. I mean sure if I had the money I could buy a cooltube and make a vent and all sorts of shit like that but I grow perfect plants in high temps, it just means you have to water more often, which is really good for plants as they keep getting a fresh supply of CO2 therefore having a co2 system is not as beneficial as it might be in other countrys.
Good luck and water them once a day, but dont make the mistake of overwatering because of what weve all told you.

P.S. people will probably scream at me coz they think high temps are the absolute worst thing in life but I know what I can do in these temps and thats all that matters:hump:

na bro no screamin.. i grow in hot temps even out here on the coast, i use 1000 watters for light penitration, so it gets pretty warm in my closet, and just like you a have a buddy who grows in some hot hot temps and does great, co2 is a must tho, i get almost an extra 30% with it.

white boy smurf

New Member
yeah im using 108watts (to be exact) of 6500k cfl bulbs. So thats 4 27 watt for this one plant. And i have my flower bulbs already.


Well-Known Member
yeah im using 108watts (to be exact) of 6500k cfl bulbs. So thats 4 27 watt for this one plant. And i have my flower bulbs already.

yah bro heats not your prob bro, its gota be hott soil, and by that i mean too many nutrients alwready in the mix, even most organic potting soil is too hott for seedlings.


Well-Known Member
u could have high temps as log as u have a decent fan on
and u water good enough
ya dont over water now hearing what we are saying just look at the top soil and put ur finger like a inch down if dry water it just till u see some drops coming from the holes from the bottom
always good to have a good air flow no matter the temp

white boy smurf

New Member
Alright thanks so much for the help and fast responses guys. Any advice on how to handle seedlings from now on? So i dont have this same problem? I was gonna just go tottaly organic but you say it can still be too much for a seedling. So what is the best way to go about this? You guys rule


Well-Known Member
and sence the plant is still a baby i could take a light out and wait till it gets a little bit bigger or untill u get another fan
but ya if ur soil has food in it that could be it too
at this young of a plant shouldnt get alot of nutes
it will burn them.


Well-Known Member
if u wanna grow in a good medium I highly recomend a mix of coco coir and perlite, there is absolutely no nutrition in it which is simialr to hydro, and ive done a test with one plant in a good quality soil and one in my coco mix(I recomend canna coco) and the one in coco grew so fast it was unbelievably, I mean I had to flower the one in soil way to soon as the coco one outgrew it incredibly fast. Just put your hand in some coco and u will already feel why it would be good for your babies, its so light and airy thus making it possible for many little roots to penetrate the whole pot. Its amazing, I wouldnt say its as fast as hydro but it definately is getting there. Coco requires some learning though and it takes some experimenting to know when to water, when to feed etc..


Well-Known Member
na bro no screamin.. i grow in hot temps even out here on the coast, i use 1000 watters for light penitration, so it gets pretty warm in my closet, and just like you a have a buddy who grows in some hot hot temps and does great, co2 is a must tho, i get almost an extra 30% with it.
yea i wasnt saying co2 wasnt necessary just meant its not as important as it would be in cold, moist locations like Germany or Antarctica haha just kidding. Do you cooltube your 1000watters? ive got a 400watt hps for flowering and its not cooltubed just got a powerful fan that blows hot air ou of the room, and another one to blow across the light.
Sorry for kinda hijacking your thread ummm whoever did the post, sorry dont know your name
have fun growing youll get there!

white boy smurf

New Member
thanks stilltokin ill look into that. I just hope i can get my hands on some where i live. (cant order anything online atm). Anyway ill post some pics of the setup just so yall can get a better look at how the lights are and fans. Thanks

pic one is just the outside of the tub. Comp fan at top. Lights hang underneath the fan. THen i have the big fan blowing through a cut-out fresh air/promoting thick stalks/ and cooling the bulbs themselves. I guess ill put another fan at top. Second pic is how the lights are hung, about 2-3 inches from the plant.



Well-Known Member
if u wanna grow in a good medium I highly recomend a mix of coco coir and perlite, there is absolutely no nutrition in it which is simialr to hydro, and ive done a test with one plant in a good quality soil and one in my coco mix(I recomend canna coco) and the one in coco grew so fast it was unbelievably, I mean I had to flower the one in soil way to soon as the coco one outgrew it incredibly fast. Just put your hand in some coco and u will already feel why it would be good for your babies, its so light and airy thus making it possible for many little roots to penetrate the whole pot. Its amazing, I wouldnt say its as fast as hydro but it definately is getting there. Coco requires some learning though and it takes some experimenting to know when to water, when to feed etc..

sounds great, but the flavor is in the organics, what i do bro is get a bunch of plastic cups, a bag of organic potting soil, and mix the soil with perlite with a 20 to 70 ratio, perlite being the 20%, this will keep the soil from burning your seedlings and increase drain capabilities, after the seedling fills the cup with a rootball{ you can see the roots thru the cup} pop it out and transplant it into at least a 3 gallon pot for the remainder of its life.