my one plant is a female but


Active Member
Today i noticed that one nod on my female had grown 4 little bulbs that looked like the male plant, but this grew at a point where i changed the pot and ripped some of the roots. I removed these 4 bulbs carefully and every other nod above and below this still has long white pistils. Is this still female or hermie? Has anyone had a problem like this?


Active Member
its hard to say without seeing pics as it could be the type of strain, however, I know that if the plant is stressed it can turn into a hermie..... (it happend to me on my purple haze last week!! GOD DAMN IT!!) but as I was unsure, I removed it from the same area of my other plants and watched it over the course of a week, then I saw a yellow flower and I knew it HAD to go!! I pulled it and have put it to one side to dry. I fast dried a bud just to see if it was worth drying out, luckily I think it was just entering the harvest window cause I got something of it.... not alot though.

Depends where you are on the flowing stage... you may be able to save some of it yet. The best you can do is keep a very close eye on its behaviour over the next week....

Do you have any pics you can post?


New Member
If it's growing where the plant had an injury it's probably a new branch trying to form. If it trys to grow again, let it go for a while longer so you can check to see if it forms leaves.