my outdoor garden


New Member
hi there. hope everyone is well! :peace:

everything is grown from seed, except for the jalapeno pepper.

everything is 3 weeks old from seed, except for the jalapeno pepper. i would estimate that its 4-5 weeks old fom seed becuase it just started flowering, so i bought the clone at ~ 2 weeks old.

seeds broke earth 5/27.

i need to get cages for my tomatoes. should i get one for the pepper plant as well?

cherry tomatoes, 3 weeks from seed

beefsteak tomatos, 3 weeks from seed

jalapeno pepper, starting to flower

2 basils and 1 cilantro

and only 1 of my 5 annual summer flowering bulbs sprouted. why is that? its been storming here for the past week, i hope it stays sunny for a bit now!


Well-Known Member
I wish my jalapeno's looked like that. They had about two and a half weeks of rain and look very sad....I might have to start the peppers and tomatoes over again.


New Member
definetley get a cage for the pepper as well. couldnt answer you on the flowering bulbs sorry.
im thinking i may have planted the bulbs too deep. i guess the pepper will get a cage also! thanks for stopping by bucannabis

backyardbuds, i just used a potting soil and i made sure not to compress the soil too much so the sprouts had an easy time forming roots. what i do is i dump the bag into a wheel barrow, then i break apart all the clumps with my hands. i add composted manure and some organic meals, and i mix it all together. then i fill up my pots, bang them on the ground once or twice, and plant the seed just below the surface of the earth. you dont want to push down the mix at all really.

Mister Sister

Active Member
When did you plant your bulbs? Most bulbs like to be planted in fall, because they need a cold snap to start. Lookin good though, plants are happy!


New Member
When did you plant your bulbs? Most bulbs like to be planted in fall, because they need a cold snap to start. Lookin good though, plants are happy!
the package says theyre annuals and that they bloom in the summer. i think theyre lillies. i put them in the fridge first to artificially create this cold snap, but only 1 of the 5 i planted came up. maybe i didnt leave them in the fridge long enough? im going to dig them up and plant them more shallow.


Well-Known Member
the package says theyre annuals and that they bloom in the summer. i think theyre lillies. i put them in the fridge first to artificially create this cold snap, but only 1 of the 5 i planted came up. maybe i didnt leave them in the fridge long enough? im going to dig them up and plant them more shallow.
are you sure they weren't already pre chilled?


New Member
oldgrowth, thanks for stopping by!

dannyboy, they were not prechilled, i got them off the shelf at a store. i dug the bulbs up and one or two of them were rotten. i tossed them, but another couple look like they started to unfold and put out this weird pointy root, so i peeled off the skin and put them back in the ground. no sign of them still. i think im going to get a strawberry sprout and put it in their place.

ill get pictures up tomorrow. everyone is doing well, except for one beefsteak tomato. its not really growing fast, and it looks a little pale, and im not sure why. maybe just a bad phenotype?


Active Member
how the hell are your tomatoes that big after three weeks! mine barely sprouted after a week :(

everything looks amazing!


New Member
thanks! i find that the soil is the most important factor. a lot of my plants have stress marks, and one of them is not really growing well. they all began flowering this week.

jalapeno pepper:

beefsteak, cherry tomato, two cilantro and 1 of 3 lillies:

4 beefsteaks. as you can see somethings wrong with one. theres more than enough food in the soil, and i fed it on top of that, but its roots just arent working right :(

2 basils and 1 cilantro

1 mature cherry tomato plant

2 cherry tomatoes


New Member
they just started flowering 4 weeks from seed, and have blown up with growth, but im gonna wait till monday to post 5th week pics :)

even the little slow growing beefsteak started to flower! very odd but good learning material.

whats wrong with her? maybe im keeping her soil too wet?

heres another cherry tomato harvest. a little bit better cause shes getting back to health after taking a beating from that storm while i was away. wish my dad would have picked her up -_- she was left tipped over without water for a week :(



Well-Known Member
I don't see anything there that needs a cage.:o
Those tomatos look almost as bad as your last one.
They all look heat distressed already, why are you wishing for more sun?
What are you watering with?
When? Not during direct sun I hope.
You'd probably get better answers if you put this question in the correct forum, I.E. "Gardening".


New Member
this is in the gardening forum.

my soil that i mixed is still feeding them plenty, but i did feed the little one some fish emulsion in order to promote him to grow, but he just doesnt want to.

the 1 mature cherry tomato plant without a cage in the back is my "last one"

they are a bit stressed, but growing fine. ive got some upward leaf curl and some tears in the leaves (probably from wind and other stressors) but theyre holding up, and itll only make em stronger towards harvest! weathers been erratic here. im trying to rely on the rainwater since i just learned it has nitrogen and other building blocks in it, but i was watering everyday in the morning. now im going to do every other day, or try and let the rain take care of it.

heres a pic of what they look like now, only 3 days into the stretch. just rained as i was typing this. they naturally started flowering 4 weeks from seed, even in full sun. i wonder if cannabis will star to flower after 4 healthy weeks outside in more than 12 hours of sun?
