My Outdoor Grow**Updated New Pictures**


Well-Known Member
Alright guys at the beginning of may i started off with 5 plants indoors using two 150W CFLS, i put thoose outside and start off 22 fresh seeds so out of 22 i recently put 17 outdoors to grow with the other 5 i have outdoors, the other 5 are still indoors growing big and ill prolly keep them there

I found a nice remote spot that nobody goes to but me of course lol, Enjoy

I planted 17 Of Theese Last Thursday and there already off to a great start there almost 3 weeks old

Alright Time for the big Ones Theese are About 5 Weeks Old One Of Them Has Gotten HUGE



Well-Known Member
NICE!!!!!can't wait to watch them grow! keep us updated! are you adding anything to the soil? they look good! wish i could get away with not using a fence.


Well-Known Member
ive been watching your grow beaner shits lookin good , a mixture of soil peat moss and perlite, i had 3 in the ground alaredy that are about 5 weeks old, then last weak i put 17 more into the ground, im gonna post a buncha pictures im doing it right now so stay tuned


Well-Known Member
Mine are 3 months and don't look that good.They ain't bad or nothin but seems like I got runts compaired to everybody here.Hmmm...


Well-Known Member
seriously wtf happened, i jus read this an the last time pyrex updated was like.....june (just had to count out months on my fingers)