my outdoor grow

for 14 days that's not to bad at all. not to sure what your overall yield will be but still looks healthy so far. good luck keep us posted.
so i thought i would take a better pic and show you how im going to keep bugs away the wood that i have around my plant is covered in Bifenthrin and it has a long list of insects it kill so hopefully nothing eats anymore of it and heres a pic of the wood and the 1st pic is a close up of that hole a fucking bug chewed in it
ok i started some more seeds so now all i have to do is wait and see how many come up
i probably planted about 10 seeds mostly green bud and some beasters
ok now it is staring to grow faster and is putting out its 3rd set of leafs and it looks like only two of the 10 seeds i planted are going to sprout
ok so now my plant is gone my mom pulled it up but somebody that i know knows somebody trying to get rid of plants that are like 6ft tall so i guess i will have to go get one or two lol
ok ive decided to wait until next growing season to start again and no i cant grow indoors but even tho that would be cool i still live with my parents