My Outdoor New England Patch


Hello all, This will be my journal documenting my first real outdoor grow. I Moved out east from Colorado a few weeks ago. I was working Indoors with a 600w HID system and a 125CFL. I had a nice little hydro set up going (you can check out my thread in my sig). I never got to flower my babies as I learned that I would need to move east. I had to make a few sacrifices but couldn't give up my love of growing. I ended up taking about 50 total cuttings from all of the plants i had before finding them a new owner. I gave a few away to close friends and the rest I got going to make for a new garden.

I ended up on my last day before the move disassembling my grow room and boxing up my babies and throwing them in a trailer. They were well secured and given some watered before closing the lid. They sat in the trailer for 3 days in darkness and with out a watering. Amazingly they made they drive pretty well intact, even with the 90 degree heat on the way out.

You will be able to see in my pictures that some of them were larger than others. I brought 9 large back 8 in party cups and one in a Pringles can experiment. The others were all very small clones in rockwool cubes in a flat. I had about 30 of them.

Upon arrival in the east I immediately got the clones out and into some fresh air. I had them outside for a week or so before i was ready to transplant the cubes into cups. In the meantime I had been searching for a place to put these guys outdoors and nothing was coming up. I gathered all my supplies for the transplant and got going. From the move I managed to lose about 10-12 of the smaller clones. All of the big guys made it although I did have one branch break on one of the big ones.

I got the little ones into their new homes and that is when I really started to take some photos so that is where I will start. I also left the broken branch on The plant because it was of a good size and there was no sign of the leaves dying.

Here are some of the first shots. I am working with three strains here. I was told that one is Government Mule and the other was Gran Daddy Purp. The other comes from a kush bagseed. I have also heard from a friend that he doesn't believe that they are. What ever they turn out to be I am just excited to still have them with me alive and healthy.

Please feel free to comment or leave questions.



Well-Known Member
wait a minute.... you know its mid-august and your in new england right? :)things get rough round here end of september definitely october.. which part by the way? obviously u dont have to answer that..


Oh yea yea sorry I didn't mention that these have been in the works for a while Im just now uploading the pictures and telling the story. They have been outside for over a month now so they are right on schedule. When I get some more time Ill put up more of the progress but they are all starting to flower now for the most part.

As for location I am in the Tri-State area. I grew up out here before I moved out west so I know how it goes. I worked in landscaping for 7 years out here prior to the move.

Thanks for stopping by!