MY own carelessness was the shaft of an arrow that struck and killed me


Active Member
I was extremely careless. I left some photgraphic evidence on the camera, which my mother discovered. MY prime plant the most beautiful of all my plants i could not subsitute any for her she was head and shoulders above the rest. My mother discovered it. I got the balls to show her my plants and tried to reason with her, as she is a gardener herself. THis would not prevail I had to watch as she ripped them out of the soil like a cold blooded murderer, she treated me as if i was a curious George experimenting as always, I couldn't rip them out of the soil myself she tried to make me do it, I refused, i just stared at them. Each plant she took and snapped the stem in half, as the birds chirped in the thicket, this sound i will never forget, then she ripped the roots off and dumped the soil into the bushes. The roots where massive balls of fibre. So much effort, time, and care i put into thos roots only to have them seperated from the rightful owners. Today is a sad day for me, I feel as if i have lost something that i worked for, something that I succeeded at was ripped away from me in an instance I feel as if a hole has been torn in me.

give a salute, PEace :cry:


Well-Known Member
i feel ya brother. ages ago, in one of my first grow attempts. my babes met the same cruel fate by my mothers hands. at this point you have just enough time to start a new one. this time you have learned from your mistakes and you can be more stealth about it. i would suggest an outdoor attempt, seeing as your mother didnt seem very pleased.

the widowman

Well-Known Member
see if you can retreive some of the bud man. just a early harvest look at it that way. mums are mums she thinks you're up to no good. get another grow on the go straight away. be more stealthy the next time BEST OF LUCK!!!!! :hug: :peace:


Active Member
:joint: Sorry my brother whit anader mother,the same happen to me at my first
plant 20 yers ago.bongsmilie
Still remember it like yesterday..:spew:


Well-Known Member
That's some tough luck buddy. As someone privy to these types of circumstances, you'll be able to look back on this issue a long time from now and still think, "I was right and she was wrong!". <----i thought that might be something you want to hear as moms have a way of dismissing anything a son might say/do on the phrase, "you dont know what you're doing etc".

Get some seeds and get popping ASAP!


Well-Known Member
Breaks my heart...but it didn't kill you...only make u stronger...this'll make you wiser in the long run and force you to be more careful. :cry:

beenthere donethat

Well-Known Member
Ya shouldn't be growing in yer parents home/yard///etc. Not cool. not cool at all.

even so...the only way mom will relate to what she's done is if you go out and yank up all of *her* flowers. Toss em right out in the Sun....

then pack yer bag and leave. If it's time to grow, it's time to grow up and get yer own place...

good luck

bt dt.


Well-Known Member
At least it was only her and not the cops. The consequences you would have suffered would have been much worse. Follow everyones advice, learn from your mistakes and employ stealthier techniques.


Well-Known Member
was there any attempt to take cuttings from her?... even after she kill them?.. woulda been a chance u coulda got something outa them... but other than that my father found my 3 plants out baq 1 time he ripped all the branches and leafs off all of them but he mistakenly left 2 or 3 leafs on each plant so was just enuf to keep em alive and o man did they come back to be monsters. but i respected him and moved them to location x.. and man o man was the bud awesome