my own discovery?


Active Member
i have just grown a clone outdoors
i have seen the mother it came from and it was indica dom no purple
well i live in jamaica where some of the plants biochemistry invades other plants
well now ive seen the budss turning purple with the sugar leaves and some fan leaves turning purple also
im hoping my next clone will also have these traits


Why do the plants biochemistry invade other plants, and why only in Jamaica? Just kidding, your plants most likely have genetics that turn them purple due to environmental stimuli. Keep cloning in the same conditions that these clones were taken in and they should look the same.


Well-Known Member
Or at nights it gets a little cold, Atleast i've heard cold nights cause purple to come out do to the plant not able to uptake phosphorus properly or something like that


Active Member
plants fight eachother for nutes or in some casses to get in spots that get more direct sunlight, and its not the leaves that turn purple its buds but they wont stay purple only for a couple of days. and i am loving this plant about 9' tall with sosme bright green 9 leafers
Plants' leaves will often turn purple-ish at about the 50th day if you flush your plants nutrients out with cold (60-degree F) water, 10-15 days prior to harvest. Some people just freeze their nutrient solution in bricks and let the ice melt in the hydro or chill the water before watering soil.

When finishing up like this, its still OK to go ahead and use 'sweeteners', though - its safe at that time and then just straight RO water for the final week and no water the final 4 days. This should guarantee no snap-crackle & pop of nutrients while smoking a doob, very light, sweet taste and little or no harsh alfalfa smell.

If you want to really shake things up, try turning the lights off for 48 hours at about 50 days. The buds will almost always go crazy, visible growing fatter immediately and sometimes sprouting 'mini-buds' out the sides of the main colas. I guess adding 10-15% in weight would be a fair guess as to the benefit.


Well-Known Member
Plants' "Biochemistry invading other plants" could only occur through pollination & reproduction. Your plant just had that trait.