In my opinion flat white paint. Some prefer the mylar, but I just have a hard time applying it, especially in small cramped places. Other people swear by panda film, but i guess it's just personal preferance.
Spray paint it matte white like I did with mine, that will work fine. If you want any ideas I been growing in a case for a while, just have some trouble getting everything fine tuned.
Yeah i Saw your Grow box and We kinda started almost on the same date in your post i started on march 7th. im going to spray paint it because it would be easier for me to do that. thanks for the tip.
looks good. i have only one advice - if that is tin alum foil inside the comp - remove it's designed for reflecting the heat, not the light.if the comp case is white inside it will be better than the foil.
yes more updates today will post soon sorry i havent been on this post i have been studying for a couple tests for school but i will post some updates a soon as possible
i still havent gotten around to take the foil off and spray paint it white iam going to do it tommaro but here are a couple pics for you guys to have a better look at it
i took off 2 lights and have 2 on right now going to do a little more modeling to it to tweak it up pictures will update these on's later