Well-Known Member
Ya a mineshaft is different, you gotta under stand, our room are not truly sealed in that sense...like I have a open and closing door to walk into the flower room. I never have my co2 levels above 1500ppms so its never a real danger or anything. Your thinking of sealing a room as in a glass box in space when its not really like that. For instance I framed in my room in a basement which had 2x4 ceiling rafter. I had to cut out foam board and stick in between the 2x4 square the were created by framing a wall. I sealed the foam board with great stuff insulation foam spray around the edges. It can only be so perfect to air can get in and out. I had to seal up like 10 of these 2x4 rafter spaces above the wall I framed in. This is the wall and door outside of flower room- these are the rafters boxes I had to seal in-People trapped in a sealed box will die from suffication, air is depleted of O2 and CO2 through breathing and transpiration, a completely truly sealed container only holds so much volume of air, our cillia in our lungs uses the oxygen in the air and breathes out the carbon dioxide, you would fully deplete the "air space" of breatheable air if CO2 and O2 are not replenished, the plants however only transpire CO2 durring the day when photosynthesizing and transpire O2 durring their dark period because they are still metabolically active but not photosynthesizing. The plants are creating his fresh air only because he is enriching the day period with CO2 which contains O2 that they will later transpire when the lights go out... dead air does exist thats why people die when a mine shaft collapses because they physically run out of breatheable air, also in this case i imagine every time he enters and leaves his room fresh air is exchanged in due to negative pressure unless he has an air curtain on his door in which case air is pushed out of the space...

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