My Papaver

yeah man. i did read through your thread. good luck this time around. last year i threw out a bunch of poppy seeds. i wonder if they will be growing this year.
really interested, so your telling me McCormick seeds will grow the right type of poppies. and do cops look for that kind of stuff? i mean i have never heard of a cop arresting some one fore a flower other than mj.
so just posting a quick update, will be weeding out the weak ones soon and leaving one per pot!
you gotta be some research b4 you post shit advice.......dude

maybe you should if you dont believe me. do your own fucking research. growing opium poppies is perfectly legal in the US. as soon as you score a pod it becomes criminal. take your own advise man. do some research before you open your mouth next time.
Papaver somniferum
Schedule II

Opium poppies are specifically scheduled under U.S. Law. The Controlled Substances Act, Schedule II, lists "Opium poppy and poppy straw" as well as "Concentrate of poppy straw (the crude extract of poppy straw in either liquid, solid or powder form which contains the phenanthrene alkaloids of the opium poppy)". Opium and its constituent chemicals are listed in Schedule II and some derivatives (such as Heroin) are listed in Schedule I.

Here ya go fuckwad!
(Papaver Somniferum) are not legal in the USA in ANY FORMAT. Growing them is ILLEGAL (unless you have a special DEA license & you're growing them to supply poppy seeds for food or opium for the medical industry - neither of which really goes on in the USA anyhow). The *ONLY* legal part is the seeds, and that's only for food. Ornamental dried pods "for flower arranging" is ILLEGAL. The poppies your grandmother grows out back just because they are pretty? ILLEGAL.
you know what grinds my gears -- people like u!

no wonder your disgruntled....


you should sub to taff's thread you guys would make a great team!
poppys grow all over the place man no on cares. i see them in so many peoples yards. you can order the pods of the fucking internet for ornamental use. ive done it many times. makes great poppy tea. fucks you up. ok thats not the point. maybe tecnicly you are right but this law is not enforced. they used to sell pods on fucking ebay. damn dude do a little more research. maybe if you actually finished reading the first page you could find after a google search. yeah this is from the same article you copied and pasted. wow i can use google too. fuck you. this is like telling me oral sex is ilegal. wich it is in my state. but you know what know one cares, and you will never get arested for oral sex. you will never get arested for growing poppys in your yard. period. thats my point. maybe if you looked past the first page you could find on google, actually maybe if you finished reading the article from erowid. here like i said same one

Law enforcement in the US is somewhat inconsistent about these plants, although there are continual attempts to try to stop them from being sold or grown. If poppies are grown as sources for opiates, there is no question that it violates the CSA. If poppies are purely grown for ornamental purposes, their legal position is somewhat less clear cut, since they are so widely grown and available.
oh yeah i stand by my statement if anyone has ever known anyone or seen, heard of, know a friend of a friend of a friend, that has been arested for growing poppies in thier yard? google that you dick. im sure he will though lets see....
oh yeah your canadian. im not even going to bother responding to anymore of your posts. wtf would you know anyway. fucking canadians eh?
fucking google monkeys. sorry i guess i lied. that just popped into my head. ok now i am done. i win. poppies will never get you arrested unless they are scored. i guess that is what i should have said in the first place. now prove me wrong. have a great day in shitty old cold canaidia ehhhhhhhh.
oh yeah your canadian. im not even going to bother responding to anymore of your posts. wtf would you know anyway. fucking canadians eh?

what does my nationality have to do with anything.....pretty weak....

poppys grow all over the place man no on cares. i see them in so many peoples yards. you can order the pods of the fucking internet for ornamental use. ive done it many times. makes great poppy tea. fucks you up. ok thats not the point. maybe tecnicly you are right but this law is not enforced. they used to sell pods on fucking ebay. damn dude do a little more research. maybe if you actually finished reading the first page you could find after a google search. yeah this is from the same article you copied and pasted. wow i can use google too. fuck you. this is like telling me oral sex is ilegal. wich it is in my state. but you know what know one cares, and you will never get arested for oral sex. you will never get arested for growing poppys in your yard. period. thats my point. maybe if you looked past the first page you could find on google, actually maybe if you finished reading the article from erowid. here like i said same one

that was the whole a simple google search i was able to prove you wrong......not strickly enforcing the law does not make something you spouting off that it is.....simply is ignorant and uneducated........I sure that if you look hard enough you will find that people have been busted for telling others that it's ok and not illegal at all, its careless and wreckless........

Law enforcement in the US is somewhat inconsistent about these plants, although there are continual attempts to try to stop them from being sold or grown. If poppies are grown as sources for opiates, there is no question that it violates the CSA. If poppies are purely grown for ornamental purposes, their legal position is somewhat less clear cut, since they are so widely grown and available.

so here''s your ebay guy
Pod Seller Busted On eBay

Federal drug agents have arrested a California man for allegedly selling opium poppy pods on eBay. Krsna Lev-Twombly, 30, was arrested at his home by Drug Enforcement Administration agents, who say they bought hundreds of pods from him last year.

The Poppy Paradox

This is an older (1998) article from the San Luis Obispo County NewTimes, about some pro-marijuana advocates who were busted for growing poppies in their backyard. This is pretty much required reading for any poppy enthusiast.
as for you state laws....which are laughable.....we have had news coverage here for people going to jail for that shit.....fucking bullshit...
Not fair: Ten years for consensual oral sex
oh yeah i stand by my statement if anyone has ever known anyone or seen, heard of, know a friend of a friend of a friend, that has been arested for growing poppies in thier yard? google that you dick. im sure he will though lets see....
you fucken bet I would.....just to show what an ass you are!

so i guess you know the entire population of the good ole usa.....

fucking google monkeys. sorry i guess i lied. that just popped into my head. ok now i am done. i win. poppies will never get you arrested unless they are scored. i guess that is what i should have said in the first place. now prove me wrong. have a great day in shitty old cold canaidia ehhhhhhhh.

I don't need to do any hardcore investigative research to prove your wrong.......if you pissed that a simple google search can overwrite all the wondrous information your friends gave you.....simple put if your growing pot and get caught and are additionally growing opium.....guess what brianiac.....two charges of know what that makes growing poppies .......ILLEGAL

I'd ask ya to leave but its kinda fun having a little dog to kick around.....hows taf?
Well well, sorry to butt in.
I sure wish people could remain civil.

I have done a bit of research on this, and yes I am from the US.
Technically poppies are illegal to grow.
This law is not inforced, neither is selling the pods.
But if they want to they can full well throw your behind in the clink.

If they find you are incising them, get ready for some hard time.

It is correct that if you drive around there is alot of poppies growing. Some are Pap. Somn. some are not.

I deal with Izmir Spice and Oil out of Canada, and from what they say Canada is quite harsh on even growing them.

As for getting busted in the US, sadly yes people have gotten busted, I know of at least two such crimes.

Be damn careful and always have a backup plan.

Peace to both of you, stop squabbling, and enjoy each others ideas.

Old Growth 420 hope I have settled your mind, just a regular person, floating along. peace
yes. thank you thats all im saying. in the US this law is not enforced. well very, very rarely. my point is dont worry about having a few in your yard. im not talking fields here. just a few patches will never get you in trouble. im done arguing. i dont try and tell you what the laws are in your country. you know why? i dont care. im done arguing. this will be my final post on this thread. im sorry for wasting peoples time.

Well well, sorry to butt in.
I sure wish people could remain civil.

I have done a bit of research on this, and yes I am from the US.
Technically poppies are illegal to grow.
This law is not inforced, neither is selling the pods.
But if they want to they can full well throw your behind in the clink.

If they find you are incising them, get ready for some hard time.

It is correct that if you drive around there is alot of poppies growing. Some are Pap. Somn. some are not.

I deal with Izmir Spice and Oil out of Canada, and from what they say Canada is quite harsh on even growing them.

As for getting busted in the US, sadly yes people have gotten busted, I know of at least two such crimes.

Be damn careful and always have a backup plan.

Peace to both of you, stop squabbling, and enjoy each others ideas.

Old Growth 420 hope I have settled your mind, just a regular person, floating along. peace