My Perpetual Zero-Veg Op


Well-Known Member
It might be a little tough to visit your grow only once a week. Your plants will drink and need the res's topped off. Also, as they consume nutrients, the pH will drift and you have to be able to adjust that at least a couple times a week. An dif you have a pump or a fan or a light fail, you won't know about it until it's too late. I'm in there a couple times a day anyway. Lots of things have happened that if I was only here once or twice a week, I would lose the whole op.

yup got the mother/clone area. this harvest thats coming down is from a mother i had. lost my nl mother due to dog eatting it. papaya mum is do great. i use the 60 site ez cloner. i got clones that will be two weeks next saturday already have roots, but gonna give them another week. and i took some today so every two weeks clones will go in to flower room. i got 4 pumps that do 250 gal per hr in the rez are only 30 gal so it should work well. gonna pick up a air pump to run the airstones. how often do you have to vist the growroom. figure since i will be in there every sat taking clones hopefully i can just make the one trip a week. to take clones change rez only once a week. once its dialed in do you think 2 600 will work better in that area 4x4 or is one suffient in that space thanks for the info to


Well-Known Member
yea i just went down and saw that the water level was too low in my ezcloner just lost 9 clones that i took two days ago. i had another batch of 9 that are a week old and they were fine guess i will continue to go everyday


Well-Known Member
Few questions for you. I'm almost to the point where I can run a strain in my ebb and flow table.

What ppm do you start your clones off with when you put them on their final table?
Do you use Grow, bloom, protekt, and magpro?

How big do you let the roots get before you transplant?

Thanks for the help.


Well-Known Member
I've gone bac and forth about using grow during the first stage of flowering. Right now I'm not.

i take plants out of the cloner when the roots are, say, 4 inches long and there's a little branching there. Then they go into 5 inch pots with hydroton. and under the mothers which are under a 600 right now and they are tall, so it's still pretty shady where the new plants are. This helps keep them from freaking out with too much light and not enough roots. I only keep them there a day or two while the roots get a little more sturdy. During that time they are getting 900 ppm of Grow, Mag-pro and Protekt. It may seem high, but they really don't mind, at least if you are using Dyna-gro. Then they go into flower. I raise the light up the first two days in the bloom room, once again so they don't wilt, but they pull it together pretty quickly an dit's pretty easy to tell when they start to take off. Flooding 3 times a day throughout (I have been trying to change the frequency of floods during different periods of bloom, but they don't seem to care, so it's 3 times a day all the time. Much simpler).



Well-Known Member
errr, northern skunk, that is. I reclaimed 100% of my hydroton, just included a pic of the rootballs. 2 out of 3 are nice and short and have good bud all the way to where they came out of the hydroton. The other one got 6 inches taller and that 6 inches around the base was not so good. So, keep em short!

They might only yield 3/4 oz each, but you just have to grow more!

8 White Russians are going to go another ten days, for a full ten=week couchlock

I made a bunch of butter last weekend and baked 6 dozen molasses cookies; two gets you comatose. And I onlyu used half the butter!


Well-Known Member
do you think that adding say 4 more plants to your tray total would affect total yield.meaning if you add 4 more plants would they too yield 3/4 oz or would the yield per plant decrease.


Well-Known Member
Well, young Marmarb, We are about to find that out. The 3 plants I just harvested came from a tray with 12 plants in it. The next tray, has 17 plants in it, so we will be able to directly compare. If you look back over this thread, you'll see I've been steadily increasing plants from 6 to 12 to 17 which is the max you can fit if you really wedge 5 inch pots in. So, we will see, we will see. In any case, I really have my eye on my annual total, so I can smooth out any imperfections or height/strain differences from tray to tray. But they will be coming 4 weeks apart for the rest of the year, so there's plenty of opportunity to figure out the numbers.


Well-Known Member
Hey. Awesome thread. I read first few pgs but couldn't be bothered to read every page. Just cut 8 clones off my jack herer mother I'm gonna put em straight into flower like u did soon as they root. I also use a power cloner and turbogarden but mines aero. I'm pretty new here can anyone tell me how to subscribe?


Well-Known Member
yeah, my thread's pretty boring. Got any suggestions on how to spice it up?

I'd like to see how your aero turbogarden performs. I haven't seen anyone else use one; they tempt me but they are expensive and they slightly violate the KISS principle (more can go wrong with aero). Anyway, welcome to RIU.

Hey. Awesome thread. I read first few pgs but couldn't be bothered to read every page. Just cut 8 clones off my jack herer mother I'm gonna put em straight into flower like u did soon as they root. I also use a power cloner and turbogarden but mines aero. I'm pretty new here can anyone tell me how to subscribe?


Well-Known Member
Now that flowering room is empty gonna try a ebb n flow that I made what's the smallest pot u have used for say a 8 week strain. I'm gonna flood 3x a day I tested my tap water its 203ppms is that too high for hydroponics left a bucket out to see if it will lower on its own


Well-Known Member
Now that flowering room is empty gonna try a ebb n flow that I made what's the smallest pot u have used for say a 8 week strain. I'm gonna flood 3x a day I tested my tap water its 203ppms is that too high for hydroponics left a bucket out to see if it will lower on its own
I wouldn't use smaller than 5 inches. They fall over when the plants get too big, plus you need SOME root space.

How long do your clones take to root? Do you just leave it on 24/7? Do you use any certain cloning solution?
Right now, my clones could be warmer and they'd be happy. I have roots right now but they took two weeks and they aren't ready yet. I've used Clonex and plain water; it's a tie as far as I have seen. I run the pump 24/7 now, but when the weather is hot (I don't air condition) I use an interval timer that runs 4 minutes on, 12 minutes off. That keeps the pump from heating up the water by constant running and some folks say that cycling the spray will stimulate more and faster roots.

cold enuff for ya today? cant wait to see them russians come down.
I have visible ice forming inside my foundation right now. My res is right at 60 degrees. I believe the weather will turn soon though:eyesmoke:

I'm letting the Russians go for another 8 days, I think. See what they are like at a full ten weeks.bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
lookin supa dank man now if i just had sum smoke im out till tomorrow. unless i drive to mlps. fuk dat.
maybe ill have to make sum bho out of my trimmings laying around.


Active Member
Great setup! You seem to be pretty close to dialed in here. Have you done an entire run with Dyna Foliage Pro (with Pro Tekt + Mag Pro) WITHOUT switching to Dyna Bloom for flowering? How does it compare?


Well-Known Member
I used nothing but foliage pro for a couple harvests. I was in hempy buckets then. It grew plants well, but they were extra leafy and it was a pain to trim. I believe I used it with calmag and RO water, no protekt. I think it's a great product for veg, but I wouldn't bloom with it again. Too much N. You just can't tell when your plants are done, they stay mad green up till the end, and,as I said, leafy buds.