my phone got destroyed today


Well-Known Member
left my iphone in my pants pocket and it got washed. i've been without it for about 12 hours and i'm jonsing like a big dog.


Well-Known Member
that's what this was buddreams, makes me sick. thanks for the link fungus gnat. i already tried to take it apart and broke the plastic case, it will go to a repair shop tomorow before i tear it up more trying to fix it myself.


Active Member
I broke my goddamn new 3gs around thanksgiving break been yousin a red slivr since, luckily I preordered the new iphone but it wouldn't work till it said shis july 14th so basically I'm still using "the worlds thinnest phone" so 2005:roll:


Well-Known Member
Fun fact: If your small electronic device has taken a bath and is fully saturated, you might not be fucked. Allowed to dry, a lot of things will come back. The problem is the minerals and dirt left behind when the water evaporates. If your shit gets drenched, rinse it well in distilled water as soon as possible, and then let it dry. You'd be amazed.


Well-Known Member
with the 4gs just coming out you'd think people will be dumping their 3gs cheap. been looking on craigslist with no luck


Well-Known Member
that was one expensive lesson and i ended up with a 16gb instead of the 32, and saved a little.


dont know how you are with tinkering but ive fixed 2 washed iphones bought them off people when i worked at best buy diagnosed what was wrong with em and replaced the parts, basically you get it apart google search fixing water damaged iphone and go from there, theres soo many youtube vids and articles showing how to do this. Now that there are millions of iphones you can get any part for it off ebay or amazon, just throwing it out there. Modern electronics can take some serious beating and be back to new with a lil repair, smoke a bleeze and fix that shit and eiether keep it or jailbreak and unlock it and sell it for 350 like i did.. peace