My plan for Soil mixture. What do you think?


Well-Known Member
plz plz plz find a local hydrostore even if you have to drive an hour, it's worth it... pick up a couple bag of roots its coco based and amazing you dont need to add anything unless you add a ton of casting. I recomend using more pearlite as well def. more than 20%.. Subcool uses roots, I switched from MG and it was the greatest thing ever, I've never heard of any1 having any probs... My 2 cents

If you are usin MG organic choice:
1-10gal bag MG
10-15lbs of casting
1/2 gal compost
pearlite (however much your comfortable with)
2tbs greensand a gal
1tbs bloodmeal a gal
1 tbs bonemeal a gal
1 tbs dolomite a gal
2 tbs humic acid per 5gal cont.
i used this for almost a year, my second year growin.. water only
Well, I got some going with the mix I posted above, but I will definately switch to bigger pots when they flower (there will be more room with the males gone). When I do that, I will add the stuff that you suggested. However, the Happy Frog stuff has bloodmeal/ bonemeal/ kelp meal/ castings and a bunch of stuff in it already, is that a good substitute? Also, what is greensand?

Thanks for the advice :bigjoint:


Active Member
40% peat moss 20 % perlite-20% vermiculite-10 earthworm castings-5% myco fungi-5% dolmite lime...never had a problem with this...i used to use just perlite but am much happier with my new mix
I’ve decided next time I’m using Coco with Botanicare, just the grow and bloom. Maybe cal-mag if I’m using R/O water. Anyone using Coco now? How good of a buffer is it?


Well-Known Member
Greensand is 1 of the all time greatest amendments, it has tons of K and lots of trace + it continues to put out trace for some time. I use it in all my soil mixes and I add it to soils that don't have then sprinkle some extra on top.

As to when to tranplants, whenever you see roots in your drainage holes ITS TIME, I like to try to time it so I do it the day I switch lights to 12/12 so the stress helps to minimize stretch..

You need to understand most foxfarm contain some sorta fish and trace crab and kelp it just comes with gettin processed all together in the same facility.. Just watch what you use I dont know if that would effect your allergy, my ol' lady is in the med feild she doesn't think after flushing and what not it will effect you at all, maybe extra tingling and numbing but I'd be safe...


Well-Known Member
This is the mix I have had the most success with when doing Organic Soil/Soiless grows:

Soil Mix:

5 parts Canadian Sphagnum Peat Moss or Coir
3 parts Perlite
2 parts Worm Castings or mushroom compost or home made compost
2 tablespoons per gallon (3.78L) Pulverized Dolomite Lime

Some decent results with this mix:

P.S - Usually use the Earth Juice range as liquid feed with almost every watering, even at full strength it rarely causes nute burn in this mix (Organics - Feed the soil, not the plant) Earth Juice (EJ) is easy and straight forward, gives you everything you need, but the important ones to get are the Grow, Bloom, Microblast and Catalyst.

Hope this helps, cheers!


Active Member
plz plz plz find a local hydrostore even if you have to drive an hour, it's worth it... pick up a couple bag of roots its coco based and amazing you dont need to add anything unless you add a ton of casting. I recomend using more pearlite as well def. more than 20%.. Subcool uses roots, I switched from MG and it was the greatest thing ever, I've never heard of any1 having any probs... My 2 cents

If you are usin MG organic choice:
1-10gal bag MG
10-15lbs of casting
1/2 gal compost
pearlite (however much your comfortable with)
2tbs greensand a gal
1tbs bloodmeal a gal
1 tbs bonemeal a gal
1 tbs dolomite a gal
2 tbs humic acid per 5gal cont.
i used this for almost a year, my second year growin.. water only
got a question, what exactly is the humic acid for? i searched alot of stores around here including some nurseries and garden shops and no one could tell me what it even is.


Well-Known Member
Humic acid is derived from multiple source, I use fossilized humus, aka humate, it breaks down over time like any other soil amendment, leaving humic acid and all kinda goodies... long story short humic acid is a natural chelating agent, is breaksdown salt into usable forms, releases trapped nutes, speed the breakdown and absorbing of new nutrients.. look for fossilized humate


Well-Known Member
keep it simple

1 part organic potting soil
1 part wormcastings
1part pearlite

other stuff i add as i go, like humic acid, and teas

oh yeah miricle grow sucks


Well-Known Member
keep it simple

1 part organic potting soil
1 part wormcastings
1part pearlite

other stuff i add as i go, like humic acid, and teas

oh yeah miricle grow sucks
Actually, I have had some very successful grows with Miracle Grow Organic Choice soil. I really like their organic product line and have seen other grows using that soil as a base. They now sell the organic soil, bone meal, blood meal, and a bunch of other great stuff. Whats nice is that this makes organic growing available for everybody, not just people who live near a specialty store. Plus, its all made out of the same stuff, so you can't really say that the Miracle Grow version sucks, its still organic.

I wouldn't suggest using their chemical fertilizer though, everybody knows that.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
thats too simple and um MG isnt that bad you just have to be a decent gardener, you know a little skill don't let instructions be your sole source of knowledge... Learn a little...


I’ve decided next time I’m using Coco with Botanicare, just the grow and bloom. Maybe cal-mag if I’m using R/O water. Anyone using Coco now? How good of a buffer is it?

i'm using a coco fiber soilless mix, Roots Organic that has a bunch of good stuff like worm castings, seaweed, greensand, etc. in it. (got it posted in my grow). i started my plants with the coco fiber, and then transplanted them after a couple/few weeks into a 50:50 mix with the coco soilless and Grower's Best Media, which is mostly Canadian sphagnum peat moss and pH balanced.

but I'm also a noob and don't really have anything to compare it against. regardless, I've been pleased with the results so far...


Well-Known Member
thats too simple and um MG isnt that bad you just have to be a decent gardener, you know a little skill don't let instructions be your sole source of knowledge... Learn a little...

Skill and knowledge go a long way. Thats why I am glad to be an experienced gardener who is getting certified as a master gardener... but whatever. Being rude isn't very nice ;)

I experience MG deficiency about 8 weeks after planting in Miracle Grow Organic Choice pretty consistently. Dolomite is a good fix for this. I stand by my statement because experience has shown it to be true. But maybe you've never used this mix?

Again, we are growing plants, not building a space ship


Well-Known Member
ok to start wasn't tryin to be rude, looked that way my B..

and if you know you gotta add some calcium, then that was that learning I was talkin bout.
What was rude was makin a petty trip to my thread to talk shit on me.
Nobody called you an idiot or said you weren't experienced so no need to start flashin titles, we're all here to learn and grow.. So I thought..
I was just tryin to help and if MG is all you got, then you do with.. I have nothin else to say to you .


Well-Known Member
ok to start wasn't tryin to be rude, looked that way my B..

and if you know you gotta add some calcium, then that was that learning I was talkin bout.
What was rude was makin a petty trip to my thread to talk shit on me.
Nobody called you an idiot or said you weren't experienced so no need to start flashin titles, we're all here to learn and grow.. So I thought..
I was just tryin to help and if MG is all you got, then you do with.. I have nothin else to say to you .
Dolomite also has a high amount of Calcium in it. Happy Frog Organic Fertilizer has humic acid, calcium, nitrogen, phosphate, potash, magnesium, kelp meal, and a bunch of other stuff. Miracle Grow Organic Choice has all the basics that it needs to keep the plants going. Vermiculite and perlite for easy drainage and water retention. Also great for breaking up the soil.

:D Like I said, solid mix