My planned 2012 crop


Well-Known Member
I'm on the 45th parllel in a drier part of Oregon. I'm prepping my site this month, my property is in the boonies and I have a medical grow permit so it's all cool. Digging 6 to 8 holes a good 2'X2' and using a mix of Organic Black Gold, a little chicken poo compost and the natural soil from my site. Each site will get at least 10 hours of sun mid summer and I have river fed, irrigation on site, I prepour the water and let it sit because it's freekin cold even in mid-summer.
This year I'll be planting 5 Fruity Chronic Juice, 2 White Widow and 1 Blue Widow plant. In the past I've only used Alaska Fish fert and molasses up until about the 4th week of flowering, then I switch to Fox Farms products and molasses to finish them off.
I chose the three strains (femizied seeds) from Delicious Seeds because they are pretty fast finishers. I hope to have them out of the ground by Oct 1st, maybe sooner depending on the weather. The seeds are about 4 inches tall right now, so I'm hoping by mid-May they will be over a foot.
I started about the same time last year, had three plants and ended up with over 2 pounds dried. My avitar pic on the side is one of the colas harvested from last year.

Funny thing is I hardly smoke any at all..LOVE to grow it though.

Any suggestions to my plan?

doby mick

Active Member
Good luck in your quest and hope that after all your hard work the feds dont find your crop as 6 mounths is a long time for something too stay hidden.


Well-Known Member
Yeah..They busted a 250 thousand plant operation in eastern Oregon last year...But I don't think 7 or 8 plants by a licenced grower is going to be high on their radar. I've got them spaced about 15-30 feet from each other in amoung immature pine trees, would be really tough to spot from above. Never know though I guess, which is why I don't tell anyone I know about it.


Well-Known Member
pasta jars from second hand stores work well. i grab em whenever i can.
If you take a close look at two or three of those jars in my medicine cabinet, you'll see Goodwill specials!! Can't beat 50 cents for a big ass jar. Just need to be careful that the seals are still good before you buy.
ya sounds good i live in washington and i do a outdoor every year as well all the years that i have done i had only few problems one year i put them too close to cottonwood trees and that cottonwood fluff got all over them yuk pikin that shit off for weeks and deers lol they love them but generaly got good crops


Well-Known Member
Sounds like a good time man. So that fish emulsion works pretty well for you then? I have a small bottle I received as a sample but I'm afraid to use it outdoors due to the smell. It's pretty pungent.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like a good time man. So that fish emulsion works pretty well for you then? I have a small bottle I received as a sample but I'm afraid to use it outdoors due to the smell. It's pretty pungent.

I've used it for two years now..I was kinda concerned that the fish smell, combined with the molassas would attract critters. I could tell that "something" or some kind of animal had checked out a few of my plants, but did no damage. It's a great source of food for the plants.