My plant bend to the ground - need help!!


Well-Known Member
Wow great stuff's great people great community here

Cheer rollitup and they people here
Your American? But in Thailand?
And yea I love this community, they can be paranoid sometimes but for the most part they is good people.
Good luck friend abroad!


Active Member
dunno what can help you now, maybe some reflective material over the soil to bounce the light back up towards the plant
And how is Thailand, i know hot, but like the place itself.
i think about alufolio on the soil is that right??
And can you tell me more about these for what is it good?



Well-Known Member
I use a cut square from a plastic garbage bag to reflect the light, White material
And don't use tinfoil (aluminum foil) because it will cause hot spots on your plant and burn it.


Well-Known Member
some advice for your grow.

1. never feed seedlings. they carry thier own food for around the first 2 - 3 weeks.

2. watering: most new growers will drown thier seedlings. water your pot. and olny water again once first inch of soil is dry.

3. most ferts are mixed with water, tending too be around 1 teaspoon per gallon (5 litre). for your first few waterings ( seedling at 2 -3 week old) with ferts only use 1/4 the amount. do not give them a full dose of your food mix build them upto the full amount over a couple of weeks. you gave your seedling 1 teaspoon in 100ml water. it is overdose heaven so you must stop this.

4. FOIL = NO. use white plastic sheet or a reflective mylar.

5. 2700k = flowering, 6500k = vegative. when using CFL lighting or fluro tube



Well-Known Member
I'm newbie by growing weed and need help...
Let me explain...
I'm growing a pot plant outdoors ..the plant is 1 week and 2 days old
and use normal soil as grow medium but mix some perlite to it.

Now my plant is growing up a little and i think i must give him some nutes
than i bought 27-5-5 fertilizer and mix half tea spoon with 100ml water
and give them all...(i dont know that it right or not)
after that i put my plant into a area that becomes sunlight at morning (normally i put it some area where's no direct sunlight)

...after that
In the morning(no it was noon:shock:) i wake up and go to my plant... :shock:
Oh noooo my plant bend to the ground


than i prop up two sticks to stand my plant up :sad: Have some pics...

and now i'm think there are only two things that cause these problems
1. It has to much sun at the morning to the noon (ps. im in thailand very hot)
2. I'm give my plant to much nutes or something else.

can someone help me out

i have only one plant it is very hard to get some seeds here...

Thanks for help ahead^^

PS:Sorry for my english its in a bad level...
an outdoor plant shouldnt be falling over.
i dont think its getting enuf light it needs.
wrong time of year.
plus dont feed a plant that young.
they is food in the soil.


Active Member
Much more tips and helps thank's to
Mister Nice GUY
...for great tips and helping, thanks guys I really appreciate it!


Active Member
hi t9. we're neighbors... i live in malaysia and am trying to grow too. : )
Currently trying to grow from bagweed. I think ordering online is too dangerous... but i dunno. never heard of anybody getting caught doing so. hmmmm....


Active Member
yup, welcome bro
let me see some plants from you ^^

Get seed over online and get it from the post service...i think its a little risk or not?


Well-Known Member
if your asking if ordering seeds online is risky, then yeah it can be. a few seeds delivered isnt going to get you on the FBIs most wanted list, but it could give cops reason to go in your house if they get other evidence.

so if you have a close friend, see if you can have the seeds delivered there. if the police monitor his house, they wont get anything, and he has nothing to worry about. he could also deny getting the seeds...


Active Member
wow, thank's for these great idea bro...
i'm really newbie... but get more and more from time to time


Active Member
ahh yea poutineeh. risky huh... its just that i havent heard news of people here getting caught because they've ordered seeds online. maybe they dont disclose that information and just wait until they grow their seeds and bust 'em red handed. ughhh i dunno... im really really paranoid here.

aiite t9 i'll post sum pics in a bit...

ohh yeaaa... i dont live in malaysia... i live somewhere outside of it... heheh. :wink:


Well-Known Member
I agree with mental. It is outdoor grow
Not enough sun. even hydro you don't feed it nutes just water when needed
and the season is to late around here, i don't know where your at?


Active Member
I think here is enough sun-light because every morning to the noon time, it fall downs (two days)and the soil is harden, use my finger in the soil over inch and its dry... around the rim of soil is dry... then i'm watering it again...not much ...

but since i use soil-reflecter, it's not so dry before them. what i would to say is,the sun-light here is very powerfull(dunno how to call it,, powerfull sun light,,, energy sun light or something -..-) you can burn your skin if you stand at direct sun-light over 1 hour...
however ,but for plants i don't know how much can the plant endure...

and now my plant get yellow points on the leaf, be likely comes from the fertilizer...that i put in the first time...


Active Member
i use drinking water,
before i use them it stand alone for week...(but don't think that drink-water have Chlorine) heheh - -