My Plant Gave Me Hives

SB Garlic

Active Member
I was just inspecting my 6 week old buds and got some hives on the back of my hand and my face got a little itchy. Has anyone else ever suffered this?

SB Garlic

Active Member
I guess im mildly allergic to marijane, I do sometimes get itchy eyes, and nasal congestion when im around buds even dried smokable ones.


Well-Known Member
I have a friend that goes through the same thing.Any time he touches MJ he breaks out in rashes where ever the MJ touches him.He has to be careful not to touch his face....He's broken out many times from doing that. But he has no problems smoking it....



Well-Known Member
man I have the same problem when i am in the grow later in flower i get hives very small ones mainly on the my forearms and my face and I can get it from the dry buds i once was rolling a few joint and keep rubbing my nose and my face around my nose and lips broke out and became itchy. It is not very bad for me personally and that if I clean with alcohol it clears up pretty quick.


Active Member
My old land lord said he was deathly allergic to it, never belived him always offerd him a hit and he always say my throat is starting to close up. Couldnt tell if he was telling the truth or being a pre madona


Active Member
Happens to me. I have a pair of dish washing gloves I wear to grind up my herb..... or just let my pothead wife grind it up


Well-Known Member
some strains do this but no all. when i used to have a strain called cream(go rif it since it wasnt potent enough for me) it would make itch red and sneeze like crazy at harvest. has to do with the oils they produce but it happens


My wife is allergic to weed to, sucks for her when I harvest!

My roommate is worried that the box in my room is cauging allergies for her, it's kind of strange because I went through one harvest and it was fine, but she has hives and is coughing with an itchy throat...could this be from having a box in my room? I took the door off of the room because it was getting too hot, so it's not really a sealed room, if i run a vent out the windown do you think it could help? Thank you


I was just inspecting my 6 week old buds and got some hives on the back of my hand and my face got a little itchy. Has anyone else ever suffered this?
yes i have same problem but i have no idea what causes it but I do know it comes from the leaves. Hot hot water and and scrub brush and dish soap lol hats my cure for my arms anyways. Itching stops with the hot water and soap and brush make bumps go away after a few. By no means is this any medical advice its just what works for me and I have tried numerous things and this simple process works. Oh yeah and I do this process as soon as I done contacting plants.


Well-Known Member
wow that sucks for yall I didn't expect anyone else getting hives and shit that fuckin blows atleast I'm not allergic


Active Member
I have the same problem with breaking out in a rash, but the rash only lasts like 30 minutes, bloody pain in the ass when it comes to watering and training them.
Have a friend who is deathly allergic. And not just to a particular strain, but to ALL marijuana. The sensitivity developed when she was about 23 years old. If she is even near the aroma of it she breaks out into hives and immediately begins to get a severe migraine. Her boyfriend couldn't even smoke in the house anymore. She's been to several doctors about it, but nothing has helped. It's very strange that she use to be able to smoke but now can't even get near it. At first keeping the smoke away was enough, but eventually it got to the point where even if he had touched it recently, unless he washed his hands she would start to have a severe allergic reaction. At first we thought she was just playing it up, but several "secret" experiments later it was clear that her body had become a warning signal for the presence of marijuana. They recently had a child, and between the two off them are so scared that the allergy could be genetic that he doesn't even smoke anymore.


Active Member
yup.... when I open my grow room door and enter to do morning work... every day I have a mild allergic reaction. I start to break out in hives and my skin gets itchy. Nothing too serious. I also developed a severe peanut allergy a couple years ago. The reaction is nothing like that. I just take a hot shower afterward. That usually takes care of everything. I also have benedryl in the cabinet... in case it gets a little more severe.

i don't have an allergic reaction smoking it.


yup.... when I open my grow room door and enter to do morning work... every day I have a mild allergic reaction. I start to break out in hives and my skin gets itchy. Nothing too serious. I also developed a severe peanut allergy a couple years ago. The reaction is nothing like that. I just take a hot shower afterward. That usually takes care of everything. I also have benedryl in the cabinet... in case it gets a little more severe.

i don't have an allergic reaction smoking it.

So do you think if i seal my box it will help with my roomie's hives? She's in a different room all together, can enough spores travel that far to cause her that much irritation? This is starting to get complicated :wall: hahaha