My plant has a 10 inch stalk...


Well-Known Member
I need to know if it is possible and if it is 100% safe to cut some of the stalk and clone new roots for it. Since cloning is only done on small clips of plants, would it be safe to do it on a full sized one?

I don't have a digi-cam, so there is a picture taken with my cellphone.

My questions are:

Will this do any shock to the plant? I am on my 5th day of flowering, and I will probably be doing this cloning process tomorrow.

Should I use a bigger medium for the cloning?

Since I am doing this in an early stage of flowering, will I have to revert back to vegetative state after cloning the new roots? If so, it will be wonderful. Since the plant will be shorter, I could grow it a bigger size and make it bushier. (the reason I'm flowering so early is because of the long ass stalk.)


Well-Known Member
After cloning you aren't going to have much plant left. Why don't you start over. Read FAQ before starting this time.


Well-Known Member
yeah man if you clone off that plant your gonna have a stick left. nvm, I think you want to chop the whole top of the plant off and root that. If so i say go ahead because that plant is way to stretched. MORE LIGHT, get them close.


Well-Known Member
People have cloned far larger stems them that, you should be able to do it, but it's only worth it if it's a strain you want to keep. The fact that your only growing one there is a %50 chance of being either male or female, you really should start over, buy some seeds from Nirvana and get more light! I mean a LOT more light. has a compact fluorescent lighting system that is inexpensive and will allow you to grow several plants, get the most powerful one, best deal you can get.


Well-Known Member
NO GROW is right, your just gonna have a sick in soil if you clone that plant. Personally i would consider two options. Go into flower make sure its female cut the top, clone it and start over. (the top looks good and would be a great start for the clone) Buy some more lights and keep them close.

Or continue the grow (dont clone) and you may be lucky to get 5g's if female. Really it wouldnt be worth the time, effort and electricty.


Well-Known Member
the plant is growing very well with one cfl. The cfl is kind of big just so you know, and the reflector off the light makes a wide radius of direct light. this is only my first grow and i know what i'm doing. if i have to hold that plant up with rods then so be it. i want some pot, lol.

the plant is already starting to show signs of gender i think. in between the new leaves it grew in the nodes. just a couple more days...


Well-Known Member
bite tongue...bite tongue....bite tongue...think about something serious, try to control the cheeks....bwahahahahahaha, way too stoned for this one.

seriously though, read the FAQ's. Get more light, get it much closer to the plant. With 1 CFL you are going to need it virtually inside that plant. I mean see how far it is from it now? That's where it needs to be.

Clone that sucker if you want. I probably would, just cut the tree down and plant it like a normal guy. I would probably do it in rockwool with rooting hormone and a dome, but hey, I doubt you have those things. Try the soil, use rooting hormone (powder or gel), and remember that the smaller you keep you plant (shorter that is) the more yield you will get with that little setup. Maybe even a few blunts worth...


Well-Known Member
6000+ lumens per plant is a good number to follow CFLs should be 1-2 inches from the tops of the plants. A fan is needed to recreate natural wind to promote a short strong stalk.

During veg i am using 6000 for 2 and mine are beasts


Well-Known Member
Dude, I think I am about the most patient person around, I have an x-wife, 3 kids....blah blah blah, trust me, I know patience. I try never to tell anyone what to do, but.....KILL THAT SUCKER! Please put it out of it's misery.
Trust me, you aren't going to get a full bowl from it.
PS, you don't want to clone that! lol
After you kill it, burn the remnants and bury the ashes at sea.

I need to know if it is possible and if it is 100% safe to cut some of the stalk and clone new roots for it. Since cloning is only done on small clips of plants, would it be safe to do it on a full sized one?

I don't have a digi-cam, so there is a picture taken with my cellphone.

My questions are:

Will this do any shock to the plant? I am on my 5th day of flowering, and I will probably be doing this cloning process tomorrow.

Should I use a bigger medium for the cloning?

Since I am doing this in an early stage of flowering, will I have to revert back to vegetative state after cloning the new roots? If so, it will be wonderful. Since the plant will be shorter, I could grow it a bigger size and make it bushier. (the reason I'm flowering so early is because of the long ass stalk.)


Well-Known Member
alright fine. i dont even know if this is a female yet or not. this plant is dead now. but what if its a female and my other seed is a male? i will be uber pissed.


Well-Known Member
it was hard chopping up my first baby and flushing it down the john. that plant had a good bush on the top of it. i put another one of my seeds in a wet napkin and it should germinate in a few days.

I know for a fact this new plant wont be as stretched as the last one. This time i'm not growing it with a 5 watt piece of shit reading lamp for the first 2 weeks.


Well-Known Member
So you got everything in order now?
i wans't trying to be an jerk dude, I was just high, and having some fun, I am sorry if it offended you.


Well-Known Member
don't be so hard on yourself.

Honestly, yes, you're plant was way way to stretched but, as the saying goes, if at first you fail try try again.

i killed all of my first four or five attempts within a month. Since joing this site I currently have two quite healthy looking plants, and am on my way to a good harvest.

Basically, I'm a little drunk and what I'm trying to say is, if you've got the itch to grow, keep going with it. With enough research, you can get it and grow some of those beautifull buds you see, good luck with the next one.


Active Member
u got no right to be angry u should have recognized that stretch before it got that out of hand.


Well-Known Member
who said i was angry? i'm happy i'm growing a new plant because it will be better no doubt. i'm just nervous about it being a male. i can only grow one plant at a time and waiting so long to sex them just frustrates the hell out of me.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I hear you, my 1st attempt was outside, and I didnt have enough direct sunlight at all. The damn plants vegged beautifully. Got to be about 4' tall, I even FM'd it and had a few colas on one. But it never, ever flowered. Not a one.
That's when I decided I want to own my very own grow light.

who said i was angry? i'm happy i'm growing a new plant because it will be better no doubt. i'm just nervous about it being a male. i can only grow one plant at a time and waiting so long to sex them just frustrates the hell out of me.

Moon Shadow

Well-Known Member
in the begging its that way and mr murphy said that other seed is male too this is where the lip service goes away and the new super grower is born its the price we pay and it's worth it no more bag shit thats supposed to be killer and no more best friends proving that they really are lier's and cheats
you will know what you got and how it got that way I started in sept 06 and my first 2 grows were flops and now I'm on number 3 and just put 6 germinated seeds in the soil. Welcome aboard your not there alone


Active Member
I need to know if it is possible and if it is 100% safe to cut some of the stalk and clone new roots for it. Since cloning is only done on small clips of plants, would it be safe to do it on a full sized one?

I don't have a digi-cam, so there is a picture taken with my cellphone.

My questions are:

Will this do any shock to the plant? I am on my 5th day of flowering, and I will probably be doing this cloning process tomorrow.

Should I use a bigger medium for the cloning?

Since I am doing this in an early stage of flowering, will I have to revert back to vegetative state after cloning the new roots? If so, it will be wonderful. Since the plant will be shorter, I could grow it a bigger size and make it bushier. (the reason I'm flowering so early is because of the long ass stalk.)
Maybe you should just plant the comlpete stalk all the way to the first set of leaves as the stalk will root and give a great root ball. Last year I did that and my plants were almost 8Ft. tall and 4 ft. across each plant gave me around 12 to 14 oz,s Good luck, Yotonka