my plant has gone through hell!~


I started a yummy pretenda kind from seed and after two months my brother in-law and his ego changed its pot to an empty garbage can and over nutriented it. after it was withering from the bottom up i did an emergency switch back to a medium pot. loosened up the ball of roots and replanted and flushed. It has been coming back. Now I have a little pest that pulled it out of its pot and now it had some more leaves die but the top is still coming strong dark green, darker than before. this plant has gone through some trauma and stress and is still kickin. its my baby. I had it developing nice and now it is slowed way down. I am adding fish water every other day. Any thoughts on how to get it growing faster again. The stalk is very bare and I was wondering if I can put it in the big pot for the last time and plant the stalk in deeper since the bottom has died off twice w/ no new growth.


Well-Known Member
Probably better to start a new plant, repotting is not going to help with any of the stressors its had.