

Active Member
This is my very first grow andI think my plant is bout to die, i think due to a lack of light the bottom leaves died and the plant isnt looking so good overall, the temps in my room are always above 80, maybe 80 at its lowest, the humidity is usually in between 60 and 65 percent, im using mg moisture control

any help would be apreciated greatly, thanks in advance



Well-Known Member
This is my very first grow andI think my plant is bout to die, i think due to a lack of light the bottom leaves died and the plant isnt looking so good overall, the temps in my room are always above 80, maybe 80 at its lowest, the humidity is usually in between 60 and 65 percent, im using mg moisture control

any help would be apreciated greatly, thanks in advance
Whats your lighting set up wattage and spectrum?Mine looked like that a couple of times and turned out to be over or under watering


Active Member
Im only using one 23 w cfl, and it doesnt say that the spectrum is but if i had toguessid say 2700. I havent really given it a full watering yet so that might be the problem


Well-Known Member
your plants wont die under 23 watts but you do need to get more light as soon as possible ..your bottom leaves could be ph..or nute defects try giving nutes to see if your yellowness goes away ..also 2000k - 3000k is good for flowering...4500k-6500k good for veggin so start off with higih kelvins and when you want to flower move to somehting lower than 3000k more light the better


Active Member
thanks wretchedill probably hit up home depot today and pick up more lights, the only thing im concerned about though is the heat problem, my growspace is already 85 degrees with just a 23 w bulb


Well-Known Member
You need nitrogen and water. Nutrition and water. Yes more lights depending on the space it is in. Some people on here upon adding more CFL's ended up burning their plants. You have to gradually bring in the lights so they get used to the heat and you need to be able to maintain the same temp as you have and humidity. So it is good to have a fan that blows fresh air in and one that takes air out.


Active Member
i have a fan in the room and i always have a window open so it can get fresh air, im newto this so im not sure but the soil im using has nitrogen in it


Well-Known Member
I think you have a problem with the light spectrum, the color of your light is very very white or a little yellow? For growing you new a CFL with a cool white color, and for flowering a yellow color CFL. :joint:


Active Member
Another thing i noticed is my plant isnt growing anymore ever since i transplanted it to a bigger pot, should i just force it into the flowering stage this early?


Well-Known Member
Nah dude just check the ph of the run off to make sure there is no imbalance. If there is then flush and transplant USING PH BALANCED WATER. not tap water. get some more lights and put them closer to the plant. Its probably not nute burn because the burn would more than likely be more consistent throughout the plant. Its probably the light isnt hitting the bottom of the plant. Get more light and that will solve alot of your problems. At the most you can get 1700 lumens out of a 23 watter as it is. Plus you lose alot of those lumens depending on how far away the light is from the plant. What soil are you using?


Active Member
Im using miracle gro moisture control, and i ph the water at 6.8 when i watered last time, maybe im just worrying too much, im new to this haha


Well-Known Member
Get rid of the miracle grow and get Fox Farm Ocean Forest Soil if you can't get your hands on that then get a good quality potting mix (not soil) mixed with pearlite or vermiculite. Either will be better than the MG but the Ocean Forest preferebly because it has enough nutes in it that you only have to give it straight water for the first week or two. heres the link if your not familiar with it. FoxFarm Soil & Fertilizer Company . Dont worry too much just give your plant some TLC it will grow just fine.


Active Member
i bought the grow more buds for less book and called myself following it but as you can tell i failed miserably, should i try and transplant to the FoxFarm?


Well-Known Member
No problem MDAN check out my grow journal. Its my first time growing mj but i have been researching this for while and i have grown lots of other NON-mj plants so you mite be able to pick up some general grow tips. Also check out Newbie Central there are TONS of tips in that forum. Good luck bro


Active Member
well heres an update of the plant, the bottom leaves are starting to grow but the top of the plant looks like its dead and wont grow anymore, can i maybe cut off the dead branch at the top of the plant?

