my plant is drooping!!????


Please help.

today I reorganized the veg room n found a plant that needed to be centered in the pot, (I originally planted it in the center but over time the roots kinda pushed her to the side of the pot)...... this is the best I can describe lol.

So once I placed her in the center of the pot i put her back with the rest. went to check on her about 3 hours later and all the leaves are just drooping, still looking healthy green just drooping. the plant looks worn out or something.

It has not happened to any of the other 29 plants in this room, so I know it has to have been something I did this afternoon. I am fairly new at growing so I don't really know whats happening to her....Question: what might have happened to her and what should I do to fix her???? Any help would be appreciated.

Also these are bag seed under a 400w MH, and its not in pics but I put a stick in the pot and tied the top of her to it.

This is next to a plant that looked the exact same this morningPhoto on 8-3-12 at 11.50 PM.jpg
Top viewPhoto on 8-3-12 at 11.50 PM #3.jpg
Side ViewPhoto on 8-3-12 at 11.50 PM #4.jpg


Well-Known Member
You got me, I would imagine that transplanting it may have somehow damaged the roots. It sure looks pretty sick, not sure if you'll be able to save her but hope for the best.


Well-Known Member
plants only droop like this when they are overhydrated or dehydrated. i take it you have not watered this plant any more than the rest, correct? how much did you fool with the roots and soil around the roots? how long were the roots out of the pot? there is a chance that the roots have dried out some after prolonged exposure to the air. it may be as simle as watering the plant a little bit.

lastly, who the hell cares if the plant is off center? OCD?


nope i watered this one just as much as all my others and they are all doing fine. the roots weren't out of the pot anymore than the time required to transplant so i don't think they dried up but i will still give her some extra water jus to see if thts the problem. I think i might have physically damaged the roots while messing with it, but not sure. If i did damage the roots is there anything I can do beside just hope it takes root again??

I centered the plant because I'm growing SOG and I have 30 plants under a 400w mh so it gets pretty crowded, it was blocking light to my smaller plants so I centered her so she stands straight up and not leaning to one side blocking light for the babies.


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty sure your plant could have cared less if she was off-center and transplanting her was absolutely not neccessary.

Sometimes the best thing to do is to do nothing.

She may be a goner, maybe not, just leave her alone, water her when the pot is light and hope for the best.


Well-Known Member
nope i watered this one just as much as all my others and they are all doing fine. the roots weren't out of the pot anymore than the time required to transplant so i don't think they dried up but i will still give her some extra water jus to see if thts the problem. I think i might have physically damaged the roots while messing with it, but not sure. If i did damage the roots is there anything I can do beside just hope it takes root again??

I centered the plant because I'm growing SOG and I have 30 plants under a 400w mh so it gets pretty crowded, it was blocking light to my smaller plants so I centered her so she stands straight up and not leaning to one side blocking light for the babies.
Based on your information I would have to lean to a transplant shock. Do you use any amendments when transplanting like Vitamin B-1.

max green

Im no expert, but the same happened to me and i found that they were under watered. Plus i put them in bigger pots. Hope you get it sorted.


Active Member
there also some kick ass size leaves that help it fall over after it droops from whatever affects it, but She dead, that bitch she dead, if it doesnt recover within 24, id put some support at same time to hold up


Active Member
That soil doesn't look like it has much drainage. Soil needs to be a little light and fluffy for roots to respond to a transplant. They probably got crushed, but should recover.


Well-Known Member
Depending on the issues you are having it could be a lot of things like what dirt you using or do you have holes in the bottom of the pot does it need watering maybe it's rolling over playing dead:lol:


Active Member
Transplant shock, perhaps you damaged the fine root hairs when transplanting, which will affect its ability to take up water. Add some seasol to help the roots, and it may pick up again.
I would add something to your soil to help airation, like coco or pelite at the next pot up.


she looks the exact same since i took the pic, it doesn't look like she going to recover. In this particular pot I used that miraclegro 6 month nute potting soil. I have switched up soil since then because I heard you can't flush the nutes out towards end of flower because it has the micronutes in it.....idk tho better safe than sorry. Now I make my own soil with horse manure, peat moss, and perlite, plus already fertilized(by horse manure) soil.
U lost all hydrolic presure in ur baby. Easy fix. Prop her up with straws, flood the root area with pure water. No nutes. Just delt with this due to my res and pumps goin out. Ur roots dryed out. So u want to flood ur dirt 2x a day till they spring up. Should only take a day tho. Hope this works for u as it did me.


Well-Known Member
U lost all hydrolic presure in ur baby. Easy fix. Prop her up with straws, flood the root area with pure water. No nutes. Just delt with this due to my res and pumps goin out. Ur roots dryed out. So u want to flood ur dirt 2x a day till they spring up. Should only take a day tho. Hope this works for u as it did me.
timely advice