My plant is dying


Active Member
It was a beauty til it started getting little yellow spots. So I tried to fertilize....and Im a noob

I think i overfert'd at that point, now theres yellow absorbing the bottom leaves, the leaves are papery and brittle. There are holes in-between the veins on pretty much every leaf, and all growth is stunted and 2.5 weeks it has literally grown the same as what a healthy plant grows in a 1/2 day:cry:

my soil is acidic (I believe pH 5.0 - 5.5) and I just picked up some CIL dolomitic limestone (Cal.Mg) to raise pH. How do I apply it properly without fucking more shit up?

What else can I do to save my baby?
Is she too far gone?



Well-Known Member
a few tsp of dolomite lime @ the base would prob do fine. it looks like you need fertilizer. and also looks like you got slugs or catapillers or something eating your leaves.
You gotta get the PH correct from the start. When out of a certain zone the plant has a hard time taking in certain nutrients .

Get a PH kit that includes PH UP and PH DOWN as well as a test tube and the color changing liquid to test the PH. Don't forget to check the PH of your run off as well as your feeding water.

At this point just do whatever it takes to get the plant in the optimum PH zone and pray for the best.

Then you also have to hope 2 weeks of hard stress won't make it a hermie.