my plant is mostly pistals


Well-Known Member
Everyone I know that takes this seriously counts from when the plants show. I believe most breeders count from when they show. Its one of those things that many people do differently, I just strongly believe in listening to your plants, and if they aren't saying I'm flowering then I don't say they are flowering....if that makes sense. I'm not gonna say they are wrong, but I do feel like its the best way.


Well-Known Member
alright so just as an exsample if she is showing pre flowers would you class that a flowering or when she starts to get clusters of pistals and then class that as day one when you see pre flowers or when you start to see clusters as day one if that makes sense.


Well-Known Member
Only once she starts to actually flower as in get true pistils, and cluster up. I start day one right around when I see actual flowers, its not even usually when I see the very first pistils its more likely 2-3 days later when they start to bunch up. Preflowers are only a sign of maturity which shows sex before flowering. I have had preflowers on a plant for over a year and a half as a mother plant. I have had clones that kept their preflowers after I cloned them all the way till actual flower time. If a plant has preflowers and inturn is mature it will likely form actual flowers much faster then if not. Different genetics will also take longer to begin flowering. There are many variables, and as I said before many opinions on this. From a biological stand point I choose to say my plants are flowering once they begin to form flowers.


Well-Known Member
I was wondering if you guys ment flush or leech when you said to flush her. Oh well i have given her some water PH to 5.5 until about 10- 15 % came out from the bottom. The run of was pretty clear i will wait for her to dry out now . before i start feeding again. will have to just wait and see if this helps as you guy said to get rid of some of the nitro.


Well-Known Member
well now arfter the leech she is looking much nicer will have to see if flower get any better when i feed again i'm gonna whait until she asks for food i will post some images of her after that.


Well-Known Member
Sounds good man glad she is perking up for you. I just flushed my girls and they seemed to have really liked it too. I honestly think a mid grow flush is never a bad idea. I don't usually flush at harvest because I have never found a difference in doing so as long as you dry correctly, but flushing mid way can help clean out the salts and give the plants a nice clean out.


Well-Known Member
it wasn't a flush really more of a leech because to my understanding. A flush is where all the nutes get washed out and a leech only washes away so much so that the plant doesn't start feeding of its self like it would when you flush before harvest.


Well-Known Member
Well I had never heard the difference until you brought it up to be honest man. I also don't flush before harvest, I don't over feed my plants so I have never found a difference when I have tried flushing. I have even flushed and not flushed 2 halves of the same crop, no difference in taste, smell, or smoke. Also running a perpetual grow I usually have plants of different ages in the tray all at the same time so there isn't usually an ideal time to flush.


Well-Known Member
what your thought on using molasses in flower? I have tried it a couple of time but i always have probs the leave start to die and go all crispy i was only giving a small amount in a 500ml bottle of warter any in put on that could help me and all


Well-Known Member
If you are using living soil, ie real organic growing then molasses will feed the microbes in your soil, and they will help feed your plants. If you are not, then it will do next to nothing. The plants roots aren't designed to suck up the raw sugars that are in molasses. I can't remember what nutes your using atm, but if your using chemical nutes, not organics, its not worth the time is my opinion. There is alot of controversy sometimes, but I believe from a scientific point of view what I explained is the truth.


Well-Known Member
i have added mycorrhizal fungi to my soil from the begging and i am using total bloom one part from general hydroponics