My plant leaf tips burnt, and the plant is very thin


Hi guys, I'm new member, and this is my first time that i plant needing your help please. (Indoor)

My plan is 8 weeks old and it doesn't look like the way it should be, I'm using flowers soil amended with nutrients and fertilizer,

Therefore, the plant was growing though, but it was too weak and got less leafs as well. After that i realize that it was nutrients deficiency then i got a liquid fertilizer which is contain many useful minerals for the plant, so the plant started recover and the yellow leafs started to turn green, but it's a light green.

I'm watering once a day with mineral water bottle, i used to mix the fertilizer liquid on watering the plant after that i got this issue of burning tips.

However, the plant's leaf tips got burnt as in the attached photo. In addition, i got some small dots in the bottom of the plant see the attached.

I'm growing the plant in a large box, I've modified the weather to 65% humidity and 23 C° room temperature plus humidifier and fan.

I'm lighting with 400 watts Metal Halide
With 60cm distance.

Please help me to solve this issues. As I'm very upset about it because I'm staying in a dry country as hell and I'm doing my best to make it grow, and I can bring more seeds.


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Well-Known Member
you shouldn't be watering every day,
only when soil is dry.

are you getting any air circulation in the box?

probably get the light closer too.


Yeah i will stop watering every day, leave it until the soil gets dry, thanks for the help.

Yup I'm using air-conditioned and fix the temperature to 23 C°, and im using humidifier to make more humidity now its 65%

The light is 60 cm distance from the plant.


How much distance should i keep the plant away from the light?

Any one could help please..
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How much distance should i keep the plant away from the light?

Any one could help please..
Depends on what type of light your using. Generally speaking if you put your hand over top of your plant and your hand is to hot, raise your light


Well-Known Member
I'm using flowers soil amended with nutrients and fertilizer,

I'm watering once a day with mineral water bottle, i used to mix the fertilizer liquid on watering the plant after that i got this issue of burning tips.

I'm growing the plant in a large box, I've modified the weather to 65% humidity and 23 C° room temperature plus humidifier and fan.

I'm lighting with 400 watts Metal Halide
With 60cm distance.

Your problem may be that you started with an amended soil and then began feeding it. You don't say how much feed but I'm guessing you just read the label on the bottle. Too much nutes in the soil.
You could try replanting in an unammended soil and water only for a week or two then feed at 1/2 dose max. See how they look.Make sure any new growth is nice and green.
Stems are way too thin because the light was too far away and they were stretching to reach it.
Put the light lower using the back of your hand method as previous post. Should be about 30-40cm at least. Get a fan in there blowing directly through the space between light and plants. Takes the heat away.
If you have more seeds maybe you should think about starting again but you really need to do more research. Plenty of vids on YouTube


Thank you very much for your swift reply and thanks the this value information,
Yes I've started with normal flowers soil but the growing process was too slow, so after that i gor the fertilizer liquid , then the plant started to drow again after mixing the nutrients 2.5 ml per 0.5 liter.

As per your advice, I'm using the Metal Halide high pressure light, and I've made the lights close up to 40 cm distance, I'm using 24 hours light schedule shall i decrease the hours to 18/6?

However, i don't have other seeds, i have only this plant, please let me know how do i change the soil? shal i just remove the whole plant, and plant it in a new soil? Or is there any special way
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Well-Known Member
IMO 24hr light is a waste of electric, besides every body needs sleep 18-6 is fine

Just let the pot fairly dry. Ease it out of the pot, As gently as you can break away as much of the old soil as you can without damaging the roots. Replant with better soil and give a good watering. You need to bury as much of that spindly stem as you can. It will grow roots.


I've had changed the pot into a bigger one and plant it in new soil without any nutrients to solve the burning case.

Some root from the bottom has been cut out with the previous soil is that ok?


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Well-Known Member
I've had changed the pot into a bigger one and plant it in new soil without any nutrients to solve the burning case.

Some root from the bottom has been cut out with the previous soil is that ok?
It'll recover. I would give it a dose of root excelurator or some superthrive to help with transplant.


Thanks, I'll give it a try to get root solution liquid.. But then how often should I use it and how many time should I spray it into the soil?


Well-Known Member
Thanks, I'll give it a try to get root solution liquid.. But then how often should I use it and how many time should I spray it into the soil?
I use a small dosage every feeding. So whatever the bottle says do about a quarter dosage.


Well-Known Member
Growing is a learning curve. You need to do plenty of reading . There's some great growers on here. There is also some misinformation / stoner myths.

Unfortunately you have limited your potential yield with such a thin stem. But hey, you've nothing to lose really. If it were me I'd throw in a few more seeds. There are a good few strains around that are ok with short veg time.
Do you live somewhere it's hard to get seeds?


Well-Known Member
Thanks, I'll give it a try to get root solution liquid.. But then how often should I use it and how many time should I spray it into the soil?
I just looked at your photos and your plant needs more light. She's got some long legs lol. Looks like she's stretching to get to your light. Either move your light closer or get more. Cfls are cheap and will do the trick and don't burn as easily as metal halide. Your first time growing go easy on the nutes. Think of them as a multivitamin. It's easier to burn than get a deficiency.


Well-Known Member
IMO CFL is good for veg only. They do not a have the light penetration for flower. Your 400 watt MH is easy enough for four plants.
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Well-Known Member
Hi guys, I'm new member, and this is my first time that i plant needing your help please. (Indoor)

My plan is 8 weeks old and it doesn't look like the way it should be, I'm using flowers soil amended with nutrients and fertilizer,

Therefore, the plant was growing though, but it was too weak and got less leafs as well. After that i realize that it was nutrients deficiency then i got a liquid fertilizer which is contain many useful minerals for the plant, so the plant started recover and the yellow leafs started to turn green, but it's a light green.

I'm watering once a day with mineral water bottle, i used to mix the fertilizer liquid on watering the plant after that i got this issue of burning tips.

However, the plant's leaf tips got burnt as in the attached photo. In addition, i got some small dots in the bottom of the plant see the attached.

I'm growing the plant in a large box, I've modified the weather to 65% humidity and 23 C° room temperature plus humidifier and fan.

I'm lighting with 400 watts Metal Halide
With 60cm distance.

Please help me to solve this issues. As I'm very upset about it because I'm staying in a dry country as hell and I'm doing my best to make it grow, and I can bring more seeds.
You're overwatering my friend. Watering is important and the most common mistake made by new growers. The soil needs to dry between watering. If it doesn't it can cause problems with root rot, PH balance and bugs. The size of the pot and plant in your pic probably only needs to be watered every 3 or 4 days roughly.
You also have a light issue. They need to be closer or more of them or your plants will stretch. When and if you repot her bury the stem to within a couple inches of the leaves.
I say put your hand directly under the light Palm down for at least 15sec if it's too hot for your hand then move the light up, leaves below your palm