*****My plant needs some help********


Active Member
Hey evryone, my plants are just about a week and a half old. im growing in little blue party cups, under CFL's in my closet. these babbies are looking nice with a very fine dark green shade to them. the only problem is the leavs are droopy. i know after waterign the get droopy, but theve been droopy for about 4 days. PLEAASEEE HELLLPP!


Active Member
the watts are 6500 watts i water with distilled water. i have yet to get a PH tester. the temp around the plants is 73ishh lights off 78-79 lights on. THANKS FOR ALL THE HELP!!


Well-Known Member
Click on Go Advanced, there will be a paper clip to the right of a smile face just click on that and just fallow the buttons (very easy)


Active Member
im using 2 CFL's right now. they are about 2-3 inches above the plants, because i dont want them to stretch. I will be transplanting out of the cups tommorow most likely. BTW the strain i am growing is snowcap.


Well-Known Member
im using 2 CFL's right now. they are about 2-3 inches above the plants, because i dont want them to stretch. I will be transplanting out of the cups tommorow most likely. BTW the strain i am growing is snowcap.
ok 1 thing that I can recomend is to plant the plant higher then what it is , you kinda want the top of that soil to be at the top of the pot and that strain sounds very nice btw, hope that I can pay off the money I owe in a month or 2 and order some seeds =D


Well-Known Member
the watts are 6500 watts i water with distilled water. i have yet to get a PH tester. the temp around the plants is 73ishh lights off 78-79 lights on. THANKS FOR ALL THE HELP!!

The PH of the distilled water that I use is usually around 5.0 which is alittle low. Get a PH kit, a basic one is 10-15 and worth it