my plant over heat and i got spider mite check out if there sumting ealse

pookie life

i hope ther only mite on there and no other problem tell me if u see sum ting fishy it be well appreciated i had cfl u recency change cuz it suck i only hade 400w i m wondering what are theres spotIMAG1076.jpgIMAG1077.jpgwill the make a recovery ? what sud i do
sorry to say but you do have spider mites.
To treat spray them down with neem oil this will kill the adult mites suffocate the eggs but you still have to spray every two days after this for about one week if it's not a bad infestation they will recover
It has worked for me I've used it
And continue to use it weekly
All thru veg and up too week one of flower
Good luck Make sure you spray underneath the leafs that's where they are hanging out and enjoy sucking all your plants food
Those white spots are where the spider mites dig into the leaf and they drain the plant from its food
They can and will take over your crop if you let them

I can't really tell how far advanced they are but if you see webs, well my friend they have been there a while
Regardless spray them down


Well-Known Member
anybody pushing that nasty ass neem oil obviously hasn't tried mighty wash, before you spray your plant with that nasty ass neem oil you should try mighty wash, late adapters will still push neem .
Late adapters? Ha? Mighty wash? What is it made out of? Are you an organic grower ?neem oil has worked for me. it is organic as my plants are too
Why is neem oil nasty? It comes from a seed.
Why try something new when there's nothing wrong with how I go about my business
My meds are certified clean green
Are yours?
Have a great day

pookie life

im not certified im trying to stay green mostly organic um using a bit of dish soap and a bit of cinnamon spar that shiy there spider wed sux ball im cooling the room down moor that shud help and im looking for lady bug that shit hard i was trying to remember where i see them most .but in my memory the fall on u if u are lucky


Well-Known Member
If you arent even in flower yet I would scrap it. That's a big mite problem. Mites are the borg.