MY PLANT!! Please, any thoughts??


Active Member
OK! Here is my ONLY wonderful growing plant. I am thinking that it is taking a long time to grow however, because this plant is about 2 months old. It still seems quite young to me, but it also SEEMS pretty healthy.....

I am just wondering if it is. This is my only and first successful plant and I want to make SURE.

Some stats: about 2 months old, faucet water only, natural sunlight, does have a white sheet to help reflect...its next to a window, so it gets air from outside as well.

One question I do have though, is should I start with the nutes?

So guys, comments, suggestions, thoughts?

By the way...would any of you happen to know its strain? just by looking at it? especially this early? I dont know what kind it is, but I sure would love to know. (dont know cause I wasnt told by the person I got the seeds from)
[hell, it prob just looks like a weed plant child and thats it haha]

OH And it seems to be bending a bit towards the light this a problem? If so, how do I fix it?



Active Member
is that all the light you are using ? the sun from that window ?
Well, yeah for the past week or so that's all I've been using. Before that, it was more or less an outdoor plant, in and out of shade...(but its growing a wee bigger and we have nosey neighbors)

Strangely enough, it seems to actually have grown twice as fast since I brought it in! O_O


Well-Known Member
Two months is by not considered young in pot growing, IMO. By all means, you need to at least add some balanced fertilizer now. Start w/half strength, per package instructions. Bending towards the light is normal. This plant should likely have some branches. Since you're apparently growing this one plant completely naturally, you might wanna top it to promote branching. You can read up on this here GROWFAQ
Your plant is very small for it's age. If you decide to top it, after feeding, the growth should take off.
It may even be too small to recommend topping.
Good luck w/this minimal grow.