My plant stopped growing? why isnt it growing?


Well-Known Member
Ok so I planted 2 seeds at the same time 2 weeks ago. Both popped out the soil at the same time, but it seems like one of them hasnt made any growth at all since they popped up, and the other one is fine, its growing away while the other one is like frozen in time. The leaves that are starting to come out on it are real small and the tips are brown but the brown hasnt gotten any worse, just like the growth hasnt gone any more. I dont know what is going on.. thats why im asking on here. Ive attached pictures of the one that stopped growing. please let me know whats happening



New Member
Looks wet, don't drown it.

Make sure you have good air flow but don't put it in a wind tunnel

Calm down and don't finger blast it, she isn't old enough for that yet ya sicko

She might just be putting more effort into roots, let her do that.

Good luck


Well-Known Member
I know what your doing in correctly . your keeping to close of a watch on them. it will grow when its ready. its a newby mistake, I did the same. just water as needed and let them be. lol . water never boils when your watching it


Well-Known Member
I know what your doing in correctly . your keeping to close of a watch on them. it will grow when its ready. its a newby mistake, I did the same. just water as needed and let them be. lol . water never boils when your watching it
Tru that, but why is the other one growing so much faster and this one seems to have stopped? It doesnt even have the first set of leaves yet and the other plant, which again was planted and sprouted at the same time, is already getting its secong set of leaves. Idk I guess I keep an eye on it... or less of an eye.. haha.
Here is the other one.. See how much quicker its growing..