
Active Member
Planted both July 10th, been using miracle grow and was jus wondering since this is my first time still, what do I use to and how do I know when to flower? No Clue :-?

Stoned Crab

Active Member
Hey man nice plants :D

Word of advice do not use MG potting soil. Ive been reading that MG soil has 3 months worth of fertilizer already in the soil, so it makes it hard(near impossible) to flush the whole system. If I where you since its only 1 month into growing I would go and grab some new soil first. As for flowering Im sorry I cant help you, I would say wait 6-8 weeks vegging (lights 18 on 8 off) then you could start flowing for 9 weeks (lights 12/12)

If I've said anything wrong please correct me, Im here to learn aswell


Active Member
Naw yo Ill take yo advice itz jus i feel maybe they arent full enuf to start flowering? but maybe Im wrong? Also dont have mg soil, only liquid food.. soil is peat moss if i remember correctly.


Active Member
See everyone keeps telln me incondescent n I kno its flourescent just from how they look, but idk, the problem iz I only now hav 5 75 watt bulbs on tha plants, just bought 2 mor while we wer talkin. lol maybe now i will be fine, hopefully


Well-Known Member
mad streching,they dont look that good,the length between the inter nodes should be between 0-1in max for them,for a month ina half they should be about 1ft if that and bushy with thick ass stems,dont use the mg pottin soil wit nutes,use the organic mg it contains no nutes at all,try some lst and get them back down to height

Stoned Crab

Active Member
You could always lower your lights down to about 1in from the plants, that would help. You could also try and put somthing reflective around the bottem of your plants so the light is reflected up from the bottem aswell.


Well-Known Member
yo man, for a one plant indoor grow youre doin really well. id stay away from incandescant (round) bulbs. They give off too much heat and the plant cant really recieve that spectrum of light. Instead, try using 4-5 6500k watt cfl (compact flourescant blubs, same bottom, but a swirly design) these bulbs not only put out a light spectrum that the plants can recieve and let off a fraction of the light, but the bulbs are energy efficient as a mutha! Now, if you had the money id say you need to bypass the little money and get up here with the big boys and grab a 400w hps.:mrgreen: but since im high im assuming u live under somebodys roof by the lack of materials so im going as cheap and stealth as possible. The plant looks good for a month, but she/he is about to explode in height, so read up on LSTing and FIMming before its too late. Judging by the pictures, it looks like you have a INDICA dominant plant, start doing your research on this specific strain, you should be able to plot out a timeline as to when you want to harvest the plant, but judging by the looks of the plant coupled with being planted or germinated(?) in july, id say another 3 months or so. You CAN start introducing nutrients (nutes) into her system, but if you do start at 1/4 the recommended dosage and work your way up. Nothing hurts worse than nuking a plant because of too much nutes:cry: your typical lighting schedule should be something like 18/6 for veg and 12/12 for bloom. Dont fuck with her light schedule or she'll go hermie and then youve got a whole new plant! Im lifted and im rambling but i think ive just about covered the first three months of growing these little beauties. Rep the info if you see fit and ill be around for anymore questions if ya need a brotha. Great job manm youre doing swell!:mrgreen::eyesmoke::mrgreen:


Active Member
I would start flowering now and DO NOT transplant now, you will most likely shock your plant and either kill it or turn it hermie. I flower my plants pretty much exactly when they are a month and a half. Reason being, you tend to get bigger buds off of shorter plants. If you wait untill they are too tall before you flower, your plant will be two tall and you will have a whole bunch of small buds all over your plant. My plants are ussually 12 inches when I flower them and end up being around 3 1/2 - 4 feet tall with some monster colas. To start flowering just switch your lights to a 12 and 12 cycle. Start feeding it some flowering ferts and make sure your routine doesnt change. ABSOLUTLY no light can touch the plant during its dark period.


Active Member
well put them on 12/12 but wait till they show sex to start giving them more nutes. And personally i find that if I get too many branches before flowering, i end up with smaller buds. You will flower off of your exsiting braches and you will grow new ones, but they will be huge at they end of flowering.


Active Member
you do 12/12 untill they are done, and I would leave the lights that put off low heat close to your plants the whole way, but I would get at least one High Pressure Sodium light.


Active Member
Been flowering now for two dayz wit light real close n can already see a difference n growth patterns n additional leaves on stock. Will pit pictures when I think its worth to look at.. Ha but thx yo