My Plants are doin sumthin Weird plz Help!!!


Active Member
ok the space you have is way to small for the amount of plants you have and neither is the lighting. there is no way you are you going make it a month in that tank either. unless you do some major pruning and cutting. turning the lights to 12/12 will cause them to go into flowering and slow the vertical growing down. the general ratio is 50/50 male/female. its just like flipping a coin. this will also free up some space. the fan is an essential part it helps the plant to grow stronger stems to support the weight of the buds.


ok thanks guys, I will look around for sumthin that will provide sum extra ventilation.

Yes I have several holes in the bottom of these cups,but thanks for trying to help. I need all the help I can get lol.

The soil I'm using is half topsoil half potting soil that feeds for 3-6 months (bad idea to use I know geez) and I just mixed it myself.seems to drain well tho. I will prob get some no nute soil when I plant outside.

@ enzogrowspot, I know it seems like spring can't get here quick enough huh??? Lol. I dnt have anything to put them in when they out grow this tank... Uh oh!!


@ NiigataOp I cnt induce 12/12 bcuz I'm transplanting outside as soon as it gets warm enough.
Is it a good idea to in a week or two jus take out 5 of the slowest growing plants to free up some space??? I will jus take a chance and plant those 5 outside and see how they hold up out there, cnt hurt anything bcuz I wud have to toss em either way!


@ NiigataOp I cnt induce 12/12 bcuz I'm transplanting outside as soon as it gets warm enough.
Is it a good idea to in a week or two jus take out 5 of the slowest growing plants to free up some space??? I will jus take a chance and plant those 5 outside and see how they hold up out there, cnt hurt anything bcuz I wud have to toss em either way!

If you dont know the sex of any of the plants, I would go 12/12 till they show. Cull the males and keep females. This will help with the space restriction also. Just throw them in 12/12 long enough to tell sex. Dont completely flower. If you had the room I'd say just let them mature and show sex. But being tight on space and time, I would go the above route especially if your transplanting outdoors. I would hate to waste all that time, money, and hard work on a plant outdoors just to find out later that it's male.

This is just my $.02 and you can do as you please.


@420 even if I did that by the time they showed thier sex it would be right at the time they would be ready to go outside anyways and I an contemplating on keeping the males to cook with in the end?


Also I have 3 cfls 15 watts apiece with reflectors in this tank, so my question is this sufficient enough for my plants?


Well-Known Member
Get some inline fans one for intake one for exhaust. Get mylar for reflection. Spray water after transplant until growth starts back up.
Needs some air, also could be a over watered problem, as i had before, for us it seems like its dry because we judge from the top but underneath its moist and if you water it more, they start growing like the pictures you have posted light green with dark green veins and curled down leaves, try to water it less and give it some air some how, it is very important, til you transplant outside good luck


Well-Known Member
alright fuck the tank, set everything up like now but move the tank and cardboard, then just put a boxfan set on low blowing on them and hook the fan up to the timer as well to only have it on during light hours


Alright tomorrow I will build a new grow box temporarily till they go outside. I will post pics of the new grow box tommorrow and you all can tell me what you think about it.


Well I decided to put half of the plants in another fishtank do you all think they will be alright until I put them outside now? There is alot more Room for them to grow now!!!