my plants are looking like palm trees no leaves on the bottom please


I had a similar problem with a certain one plant, I built a light box lined with mylar and a single long Flourescent, it turned out to be too little light, so yeah I agree with teh rest of the posts. the thing I had to add is that it could have some sativa genetics,(ended up why this particular plant looked so different, and much taller.) they grow taller when they're young.


i gt little flies all over how do i prevent
A week or two and you'll start to see little flowers at the nodes.
The flies are probably fungus gnats and are a very common insect problem. Do a search and you should easily find yourself a picture of one to confirm.
They hover above the soil mostly and sometimes hang out on the undersides of leaves, laying eggs in the soil. The larvae eat organic matter but also your fine leaf hears and probably affect any beneficial fungus in the soil as well.

Put a layer of something on top of your soil like sand, perlite, diatomaceous earth, vermiculite (not nutritive stuff). You could also try something like a styrofoam plate with a slit and hole cut in it to support the stem. I've used a mixture of Organicide + Neem + Dr. Bronners Peppermint Soap in the irrigation water and foliarly to control the problem (pyrethrum works too). You really have to keep something like this up though and it gets messy with all this crap and dead flies all over the place. It is best to prevent them if you can in the first place with all future plants.


Not the best picture but even so they do look male. Two little 'hairs' protruding from the pre-flower would mean it is female.

Photography tip: You can improve the focus of the object of desire in your pictures a couple of ways. Notice which part of the image is clearest? That would be where the main focus point of the image is and where your target plant should have been. The plant you intended to take a picture of is blurry, because it wasn't far enough from the camera lens. The far-background is also blurry, but some of those leaves on that other plant in what we'll call the 'mid-background' come out fairly sharp. That is actually where you would have wanted this male plant to be, the main focus point. So, in your future images you can get a clearer picture of your target just by being further away from it.
You can also increase the depth of field by decreasing the aperture (f-number) if your camera allows. The result is an all-around improvement in the sharpness of objects that are both closer and further away.
This is an excellent resource if you're interested in knowing more about it:


i actually recently had the same prob but outdoor. wut light cycle you got it on? looks like you got nice little arms flairing tho!!


Well-Known Member
can someone verify for me that these are males im pretty sure they are but jus makn sure View attachment 1058522
Hard to tell but by how the flowers are developing, it doesn't look a female. What strain is it? would you post a better picture. If it help, I'm 20 days into flowering with these ww girls, compare picture 1 with what you have, you'll see the pistil has to hair coming out, see also how the flowers are not as grouped.

But again it depends on the strain too, you can still wait a little more to obtain a more obvious diagnostic.



For the best taste rinse for like a month with only purified water. I herd certain chemicals can promote good tastes, but i prefer organic shit. Certain chemicals you put in your soil can fuck with your brain chemistry, so be cautious of wut you use.


Well-Known Member
Too far away from the lights. You have to keep them really close if there Fluorescents. Like an inch away.And raise them as your plant progresses.