My Plants Are Suffering, please help!!


Active Member
Right, I'll tell you what I did. I went to have a look and noticed that my smallest ones (they were in a Subway cup, 2 weeks old) were already outgrowing the bottom. I saw the root's sticking out. So I have transplanted them into 3 gallon pots; new soil, nice and fresh. I will be transplanting the rest very soon as well, they are in 1/2 gallon pot so they should be okay for another few days. The root system looked healthy by the way. So from now on I will be using only tap water, actually today I bought Spring water in the store. There is no Chlorine, but there is Chloride, so do I have to let it sit for 24 hours? The pH of that water is also 7.7. So are you sure I don't need to adjust the pH????

Thanks everyone.


Active Member
Daithy , your ph isnt burning them it's what nutrients are in the soil that burn plants, that's why it's call nute burn. I'm sure we can all agree what you have right now at hand is fucked up soil ph . I'm willing to bet your soil ph " is to high locking out nutes making it looked burn. If it was to low your nitrogen would be locked out making your plants yellow since there still green is what leads me to believe its to high. Flush, and stop the cider stuff , leave that for cooking
My run-off is 6.3. Meter calibrated today.
Right, I'll tell you what I did. I went to have a look and noticed that my smallest ones (they were in a Subway cup, 2 weeks old) were already outgrowing the bottom. I saw the root's sticking out. So I have transplanted them into 3 gallon pots; new soil, nice and fresh. I will be transplanting the rest very soon as well, they are in 1/2 gallon pot so they should be okay for another few days. The root system looked healthy by the way. So from now on I will be using only tap water, actually today I bought Spring water in the store. There is no Chlorine, but there is Chloride, so do I have to let it sit for 24 hours? The pH of that water is also 7.7. So are you sure I don't need to adjust the pH????

Thanks everyone.
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your awesome bro Good job looks great


Well-Known Member
Good soil has enough nutes in it to last at least for the most part of your typical month, month and a half veg cycle...Then when you start adding nutes during flowering, the ph will come down with the nute feeding, and then go back up when you give it straight water, thereby keeping a good solid ph balance...Most likely the soil was to "hot" and thats why you see the burning...Always "cut" your soil or mix it with a less potent soil to negate the likelihood of burning..I mix Fox farm ocean forest with half happy frog and perlite, and I still occasionally get a "hot" mixture...Good luck!


Active Member
The reason I did not transplant the rest last night is because I wanted to get some Garden Lime and more Perlite. My soil mix right now is pH 6.3 (which is not too bad I suppose), but I thought that I'd add a tbsp or two of lime into it to make it like 6.5. What do you guys think?


If the water from your tap doesn't make you sick, you're plants will handle it fine. Chloride, flouride, it's in all tap water. No point letting in sit for 24 hours, there's not enough flouride in tap water to harm plants.


Well-Known Member
I would change that tarp or whatever it is they're sitting on, I had black trash bags on the floor and realized the temps were getting too high because black absorbs light and gets hot.


Active Member
Too hot, too dry.......turn light off, mist em, raise light, buy a badass fan for the bulb
Thanks for the reply. But can you explain why is it too dry (42% humidity); and why is it too hot (25 degress). I know they are showing the signs, but the data doesn't support it.


Active Member

Just finished the rest of the transplant. Mixed in 2 tbsp of Garden Lime per 3 gallon, and the pH of the soil is perfect 6.5.

My soil was semi-wet when taking out the plants. I am pretty sure that I didn't do any damage; only once I saw about an inch of root ripped off, but that wasn't even my fault, must've fallen out with the crumbling soil. However, the perfect pot shape did not really preserve when in the new pot; I hope it ain't a problem.

Here are some pics from all the plants I transplanted: Age less than 3 weeks.


Bear Country

Well-Known Member
Howdy....I read the entire thread. When I first looked at the pictures I was a bit puzzled with that leaf curl....leaf curl can occur because of different things...but its the way that the leaves curled that really caught my attention. Usually with that type of leaf curl its because the plant is trying to disipate water but cant. Why cant it...that is the question at this point. I think you had a combination of problems going on at the same time and I think that a few might of touched on it. I know that you just transplanted but can you tell me if that fist potting mix had a NPK ratio on it? If so, what was it?

It does appear that it was running hot...not the temp..the soil and at the stage you are in...that will KO a seedling quite quickly. When you transplanted, did you notice that the soil might have been a bit to wet...a little soggy?? Over watering will produce that type of leaf curl but you had something else goin on as well which looked like the soil was hot...a little nute burn. When popping seeds, try to use a soil that is light and no nutes added to it....some touched on it here...a good mix will feed your plant for several weeks without you having to do any kind of nute farm happy frog is a good example of that. I dont know if thats available to you where you are at but something similar will wk

PS....I know you are using Apple cider vinigar for PH down....regular distilled white vinigar will wk just fine. You dont need to spend money on high dollar PH up and down. Trust me...I've been growing for wks just fine. If you want confirmation of that..just go to and check out thier grow tips. These guys have been in the biz for years....if its good enough for them...its good enough for me and you and.............


Active Member
Howdy....I read the entire thread. When I first looked at the pictures I was a bit puzzled with that leaf curl....leaf curl can occur because of different things...but its the way that the leaves curled that really caught my attention. Usually with that type of leaf curl its because the plant is trying to disipate water but cant. Why cant it...that is the question at this point. I think you had a combination of problems going on at the same time and I think that a few might of touched on it. I know that you just transplanted but can you tell me if that fist potting mix had a NPK ratio on it? If so, what was it?

It does appear that it was running hot...not the temp..the soil and at the stage you are in...that will KO a seedling quite quickly. When you transplanted, did you notice that the soil might have been a bit to wet...a little soggy?? Over watering will produce that type of leaf curl but you had something else goin on as well which looked like the soil was hot...a little nute burn. When popping seeds, try to use a soil that is light and no nutes added to it....some touched on it here...a good mix will feed your plant for several weeks without you having to do any kind of nute farm happy frog is a good example of that. I dont know if thats available to you where you are at but something similar will wk

PS....I know you are using Apple cider vinigar for PH down....regular distilled white vinigar will wk just fine. You dont need to spend money on high dollar PH up and down. Trust me...I've been growing for wks just fine. If you want confirmation of that..just go to and check out thier grow tips. These guys have been in the biz for years....if its good enough for them...its good enough for me and you and.............
Hi, I actually do not know the NPK ratio and the micros in it because it doesn't say. I was aiming for soiless mix. I asked your man for Peat Moss and he gave me this. After that I asked him again was it peat moss; he confirmed and said yes.



Well-Known Member
Read the last two post closely daithy they are both spot on...You've don't have much root growth for the third week in...I think you may be overwatering a bit...I would strongly suggest going at least 6-7 days in between watering until the soil and really starts to dry out faster...Otherwise you'll suffocate what little roots you have to begin with. Also, you are definitely overworrying about ph...Finally, don't give them any nutes, there is enough in the soil for awhile trust us. Good luck!


Hey D, couple things comes to my mind.

1) when you check your water PH? Before you putt the nutrients in or after? I almost made that mistake my self. Make sure you check the ph after you putt the nutrients in.!

2) it looks to me like your humidity is to low. Did I see 43 or 45% on the picture? Mine does not go bellow 60% (average 70%)

Happy New Year


Well-Known Member
The leaf curling inside like that is a sign of heat stress, Make sure the lights 8-12 inches from the top of them, also id put them in some new buckets soon. Just my input and you can guarantee its good info, i wouldnt listen much to people with less then 200 posts